Pink Floyd Releases Dark Side of the Moon (1973)

Dark Side of the Moon is a concept album by the rock group Pink Floyd that explores the nature of the human experience through themes such as money, war, mental illness, and death. It is considered by many fans to be the band’s magnum opus. It is one of the best-selling albums of all time—it is estimated that one in every 14 people in the US under the age of 50 owns or owned a copy of this album. Many fans claim that the album’s music provides an alternative soundtrack to what 1939 film? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Motorcycle Week

Bike Week is the largest motorcycle meet in the world, held for 10 days in Daytona Beach, Florida. The highlight of the week is the Daytona 200 race, which attracts competitors from all over the world. Other races include a three-hour US Endurance Championship race and vintage motorcycle races on Classics Day. These events take place in the Daytona Beach Municipal Stadium and on the Daytona International Speedway. Another popular feature of the week is a parade of over 5,000 motorcycles, and concerts and trade shows are held throughout the week. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

James Earl Ray (1928)

Ray was a petty criminal who escaped from prison in 1967, while serving a sentence for armed robbery. On April 4, 1968, he is believed to have shot Martin Luther King, Jr., as King was emerging from his Memphis motel room. Ray then fled to Canada, England, Portugal, and back to England, where he was apprehended. He pled guilty and was sentenced to 99 years in prison but later recanted his confession. His unsuccessful pleas to have his case reopened were supported by which of King’s relatives? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Synesthesia: Hearing Colors and Tasting Sounds

Synesthesia is a condition in which one type of sensory stimulus evokes sensations associated with a different sense, as when hearing a sound stimulates the visualization of a color. Approximately 1 in 2,000 people have the condition, and most of those affected are female. Synesthesia can result in a number of cross-sensory experiences, but it most commonly manifests as a grapheme-color interchange. Which Russian painter, regarded by some as the originator of abstract art, had synesthesia? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Now You’re Talking: Human-Like Robot May One Day Care for Dementia Patients

With her brown hair, soft skin and expressive face, Nadine is a new brand of human-like robot that could one day, scientists hope, be used as a personal assistant or care provider for the elderly. The 1.7-metre tall Nadine was created in the likeness of its … Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

WWII: Bombing of Tokyo Kills 100,000 (1945)

During WWII, Allied bombing devastated half of Tokyo, destroyed or damaged many famous landmarks, and ruined nearly all of the city’s industrial plants. In the US firebombing raid that began on March 9, 1945, nearly 2,000 tons of incendiary bombs were dropped on the Japanese capital, killing roughly 100,000 people and destroying about 16 mi² (41 km²) of the city—making it the most destructive conventional bombing raid in history. How did the destruction compare to that of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Feast of St. Frances of Rome

St. Frances of Rome (1384-1440) was a model for housewives and widows. Despite the death of her children, her husband’s banishment, and the confiscation of their estates, she continued to nurse the sick and care for the poor. St. Frances’s feast day is observed on March 9, the date on which she died. Because she is also the patron saint of motorists, it is customary for Italian drivers to flock to the Colosseum in Rome for the blessing of their cars. Crowds also visit Tor de Specchi and Casa degli Esercizi Pii (formerly her home), whose rooms are opened to the public on this day. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary