Anselm Kiefer (1945)

One of the most prominent figures in late 20th-century neoexpressionism, Anselm Kiefer is a German painter and sculptor. In 1966, he abandoned law studies to pursue art. He studied with Joseph Beuys in the 1970s and began producing artwork that dealt starkly with taboos and dark periods in German history. His later works address mythological, classical, and biblical subjects. Kiefer’s large-scale paintings are characterized by a somber color palette and the use of what unusual materials? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The Hidden Art of Steganography

Steganography is the practice of hiding secret messages in seemingly innocuous documents such as pictures, articles, or shopping lists. The practice dates to the 5th c BCE, when early practitioners concealed information under the wax of wooden writing tablets or on the tattooed scalps of slaves. As technology evolved, so did steganography; and today, information is often hidden in computer files. Which terrorist group has been accused of using steganography to transmit secrets over the Internet? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Alexander Graham Bell Awarded US Patent for Telephone (1876)

Originally an audiologist, professor, and teacher of the deaf, Bell became interested in the idea of transmitting sound waves by wire when he misread a thesis by a German physicist. He mistakenly believed that the thesis implied such a transmission was possible. It did not, but Bell’s idea was sound. Later, he described his mistranslation as a “valuable blunder.” Three days after receiving a patent for his device, he spoke the first sentence ever transmitted by telephone. What was it? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Burbank Day

The birthday of naturalist and plant breeder Luther Burbank (1849-1926) is observed in California in much the same way Arbor Day is observed in other states—that is, with activities promoting the value of natural resources and the protection of trees and birds. Burbank moved from his native Massachusetts to Santa Rosa, California, in 1875 and spent the rest of his life there experimenting with new varieties of fruits, flowers, and vegetables. On March 7, a birthday and Arbor Day celebration is held at the Luther Burbank Home and Gardens. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Luther Burbank (1849)

The 13th child of a Massachusetts farmer, Burbank received little formal education, yet he went on to become a groundbreaking horticulturist. Influenced by Charles Darwin’s writings, he began breeding plants at age 21. The rapid success of his Burbank potato, the russet variety of which is now the most widely-grown potato in the US, allowed him to move to California and establish an experimental farm, where he developed more than 800 varieties of plants. What is his spineless cactus used for? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary


The Guaymí are an indigenous group living primarily within the Ngöbe-Buglé region of western Panama. Spanish conquistadors found 3 Guaymí tribes—the Nata, Parita, and Urracá—after settling Panama in the 16th century. Urracá, leader of the tribe that took his name, is the most well known of the 3 tribal chiefs. Famed as a Panamanian freedom fighter, Urracá battled and defeated the Spaniards on several occasions. In what mainstream industries do members of the once-isolated Guaymí tribes now work? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary