Rockefeller Foundation Established (1913)

The Rockefeller Foundation is a private philanthropic organization established by John D. Rockefeller to promote “the well-being of mankind throughout the world.” Its first grant was issued to the American Red Cross, and over the years, it has donated more than $14 billion in grants to fund medical research, education, agriculture, and work in a number of other fields. Before and during WWII, it worked to bring scholars and artists persecuted by the Nazis to the US. Who was saved in this way? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Carabao Festival

The Carabao Festival is a feast in honor of San Isidro Labrador (St. Isidore the Farmer), the patron saint of Filipino farmers, held in Pulilan, Bulacan province, the Philippines. The feast also honors the carabao, or water buffalo, the universal beast of burden of the Philippines. Farmers decorate their carabao with flowers to parade with the image of San Isidro. The festival is also marked by exploding firecrackers and the performance of the Bamboo Dance, where dancers represent the tinikling bird, a menace to the rice crop. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor (1316)

Charles IV was a 14th-century Holy Roman Emperor, German king, and king of Bohemia. He was educated at the French court and fought the English at Crécy, where the heroic death of his father, John of Luxemburg, made him king of Bohemia. Pope Clement VI, to whom he had promised far-reaching concessions, helped secure his election as anti-king to Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV. After the death of Louis in 1347, Charles claimed the crown. He is considered the father of what modern-day nation? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The Great Chain of Being

This classical and Western medieval conception of the order of the universe is composed of myriad hierarchical links that organize all things—from the most basic, matter-based elements to purely spiritual beings—into a structured system. Each level of the hierarchy moves closer to perfection, incorporating the positive attributes of the previous link as well as at least one other. Angels surpass humans, and they, in turn, are surpassed by God or the “prime mover.” What is at the lowest level? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

International Bar-B-Q Festival

This is a two-day mouth-watering event in Owensboro, Kentucky, which calls itself the Bar-B-Q Capital of the World. In the course of the weekend, 10 tons of mutton, 5,000 chickens, and 1,500 gallons of burgoo are cooked and served. The barbecue-pit fires are lit on the banks of the Ohio River, and the chicken and meat—always mutton, not beef—is barbecued when the coals are red. Other events include arts and crafts exhibits, bluegrass and country music, street dancing, and contests of pie eating, keg throwing and horseshoe throwing. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Maria Theresa of Austria (1717)

Maria Theresa became Archduchess of Austria and Queen of Bohemia and Hungary upon the death of her father, Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI. Lacking a male heir, he had initiated the Pragmatic Sanction providing for female heirs to inherit the Habsburg property and throne. She married Emperor Francis I and bore him 16 children, 10 of whom survived to adulthood. Two of their sons became emperors, and two of their daughters became queens. One queen was Marie Antoinette of France. Who was the other? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary


Petrosomatoglyphs are naturally-occurring or man-made representations of human or animal body parts that are found incised in rock. Footprints are the most common form of petrosomatoglyph. The ancient images, some of which date back to megalithic times, were once considered important symbols and were used in both religious and secular ceremonies. Throughout history, these imprints have been attributed to numerous figures, including the devil, Jesus, the prophet Mohammed, and what legendary king? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary