The Battle of Wagram Begins (1809)

The two-day Battle of Wagram signaled the end of the 1809 War of the Fifth Coalition between the kingdoms of Austria and France. Due to the battle’s then-unprecedented use of artillery, both sides suffered tens of thousands of casualties. The Austrians were broken by the battle. Napoleon’s victory forced Archduke Charles of Austria to accept unfavorable armistice conditions, stripping Austria of land and subjects. The battle might have ended differently if who had shown up in time? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Algeria Independence Day

On this day in 1962, more than 100 years of French rule in Algeria came to an end as France officially recognized a referendum for independence that was passed by a vote of the Algerian people on July 1. Algerians had struggled for independence, or at least equality with the French occupants of their land, with organized movements for revolution since the end of World War I. Independence Day is a legal holiday in Algeria. Another important celebration takes place on Algeria National Day, which commemorates the day the successful revolution against the French began. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

David Glasgow Farragut (1801)

Adopted by a naval officer as a child, Farragut began his naval career as a midshipman at age nine. During the US Civil War, he ran his ships past Confederate forts to capture New Orleans. The victory earned him a prominent place in the Union navy. He was again promoted in 1864, after leading a successful assault on a heavily mined Confederate port. Famously, upon losing a ship during the attack, he allegedly cried out “Damn the torpedoes–full speed ahead!” What naval rank was created for him? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Debt Bondage

Debt bondage is a means of paying off loans with direct labor instead of currency or goods. Bonded persons are not legally owned but are instead contractually bound to perform labor to work off a debt under terms that often make it impossible to completely retire the debt. Defined as a form of modern-day slavery by the UN and prohibited by international law, debt bondage nonetheless persists in many areas of the world. According to estimates, how many people are subjected to debt bondage today? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

American Colonies Declare Independence (1776)

On June 11, 1776, one year into the American Revolution, Thomas Jefferson and other delegates of the Continental Congress began drafting a formal declaration of their intent to form a new nation. Their final draft of the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Congress on July 4, a date that would become a national holiday. Most of the congressional delegates signed it that August. Why did John Adams predict that July 2nd—not the 4th—would be considered the greatest day in US history? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Calvin Coolidge (1872)

In 1920, Coolidge was elected vice president of the US under Warren G. Harding, who died in 1923—making Coolidge president. Untouched by the scandals of the Harding administration, Coolidge was directly elected president in 1924. He was a popular and deliberately hands-off leader, and though he was an effective public speaker, he was a man of few words when out of the spotlight. Upon hearing that “Silent Cal” had died in 1933, writer Dorothy Parker is said to have delivered what famous remark? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The O’Neill Cylinder

While teaching physics at Princeton University in 1969, Gerard K. O’Neill asked his students to design large, theoretical structures suitable for space. Their proposals led him to publish the first concept for what came to be known as the “O’Neill cylinder” in 1974 in Physics Today and to revisit the idea in his book, The High Frontier. O’Neill’s design incorporates areas for human habitation, farming, and manufacturing. What feature allows occupants to experience gravity? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary