Alexander the Great (356 BCE)

The son of Philip II of Macedon, Alexander was tutored by Aristotle and became king at 20. One of the greatest generals in ancient history, he conquered much of Greece and Persia before his troops mutinied at the prospect of having to sack India as well. At the age of 33, he died of a fever on his way home after more than a decade of conquest. His empire was the greatest that had existed until that time and spread Hellenism far and wide. What city did Alexander name after his horse? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The Habiru

Sumerian, Egyptian, Akkadian, Hittite, Mitanni, and Ugaritic sources recorded roughly 3,200 to 4,000 years ago mention the Habiru, a group of people found throughout the Fertile Crescent, which spanned the Levant, Mesopotamia, and ancient Egypt. Depending on the source and epoch, the Habiru are variously described as nomads, rebels, outlaws, mercenaries, bowmen, slaves, or migrant laborers. Though opinion remains divided on this issue, some scholars associate the Habiru with what ethnic group? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

France Declares War on Prussia (1870)

The Franco-Prussian War was the outcome of the progressive unification of German states after the Napoleonic Wars. Events came to a head when the Spanish throne was offered to a member of the Prussian Hohenzollern family, raising the possibility of a Prussian-Spanish alliance against France. The French government demanded assurances that no member of the Hohenzollern family would ever rule Spain and declared war when it was refused. What famously insulting telegram prompted France’s declaration? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Charles Horace Mayo (1865)

Mayo was a gifted surgeon who, with his father, brother, and several other doctors, founded the world-renowned non-profit medical center in Minnesota that would become the Mayo Clinic. In addition to seeing patients, Mayo served as the health officer of Rochester, Minnesota, for many years and also taught medical students. He originated modern procedures in neurosurgery and orthopedic surgery and reduced the death rate in goiter operations. What factor contributed to his early surgical success? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Murano Glass

Murano glass has been a famous product of the Venetian island of Murano for centuries and is still made today using the ancient techniques. The island’s reputation as a glassmaking center was born when the Venetian Republic, fearful of fires that could destroy the city’s mostly wood buildings, ordered glassmakers to move their foundries to Murano in 1291. Although Murano’s glassmakers soon became the island’s most prominent citizens, they had to adhere to one strict rule. What was it? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Moon Express Aims for Multiple Lunar Landings, Sample Return Mission By 2020

Last month, Popular Mechanics covered the exciting prospect of the first ever commercial moon landing, which could launch by December 2017 if everything goes according to plan. That mission involves Moon Express, a company that hopes to build a number of  … Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The First Vatican Council Declares Papal Infallibility (1870)

In Roman Catholicism, papal infallibility is the doctrine that, under certain conditions, the pope cannot err when teaching in matters of faith or morals. It is a centuries-old idea based on the belief that the church, entrusted with the mission of Jesus, will be guided by the Holy Spirit. It has been a matter of controversy, even among Catholic theologians, ever since 1870, when the First Vatican Council first listed the conditions under which popes are infallible. What are they? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Uruguay Constitution Oath Taking Day

The country of Uruguay adopted its first constitution on July 18, 1830, shortly after becoming independent in 1828. The 1830 constitution, modeled after the American and French constitutions, created executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. Later constitutions checked the powers of the president and provided for a separation of church and state. To commemorate the adoption of Uruguay’s first constitution, speeches are given by government officials and a parade featuring a military band, mounted cavalry, and soldiers is held in the capital city of Montevideo. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary