Margaret Thatcher Escapes Assassination Attempt (1984)

In 1984, five people were killed and over 30 injured when a bomb tore through a hotel in Brighton, England, where Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her cabinet were staying for a conference. The bomb had been planted weeks earlier by a Provisional Irish Republican Army operative. Though Thatcher’s suite was damaged, she was uninjured. She attended the conference that morning as scheduled, and her popularity soared. How did attendees replace their destroyed clothes in time for the conference? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Shemini Atzeret

Shemini Atzeret, or “eighth day of solemn assembly,” is actually the eighth day of the festival of Sukkot, but it is celebrated as a separate holiday dedicated to the love of God. The second day of Shemini Atzeret is known as Simhat Torah and is also celebrated separately by Orthodox and Conservative Jews. Most Reform Jews celebrate Shemini Atzeret concurrently with Simhat Torah. It is also one of four Jewish holidays on which the Yizkor, or memorial rite for the dead, is observed. The other three are Yom Kippur, the second day of Shavuot, and the last day of Passover. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Jonathan Trumbull, Sr. (1710)

The only colonial governor to side with the colonists in the American Revolution, Trumbull made Connecticut a principal source of supplies for the Continental army. It is said that the name “Brother Jonathan,” a humorous designation for the American people collectively, arose from an affectionate nickname George Washington gave to Trumbull during the war. How did Trumbull reply to a request for assistance from British General Thomas Gage after the Battles of Lexington and Concord? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary


Dunes are mounds or ridges of wind-blown sand that form in arid regions and along coasts, areas where there is plenty of sand, strong winds, low rainfall, and some vegetation or obstructions to trap the sand. The shape of a dune—crescent, linear, star, dome, or parabolic, to name a few—is dictated by the prevailing wind pattern. Dunes that are not stabilized by vegetation often migrate, driven by the wind, and may cause damage as they move. What are some techniques for halting their migration? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Second Vatican Council Convenes (1962)

Held in four sessions over the course of three years, the Second Vatican Council was a meeting of Catholic Church leaders with the announced purpose of reconsidering the position of the church in the modern world. Among many other changes, the council reformed the liturgy, permitting the use of the vernacular language, rather than Latin. Representatives from non-Catholic churches were invited to observe the sessions. What unexpected event nearly ended the council prematurely? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Macedonian National Uprising Day

October 11 marks the anniversary of the beginning of the Macedonian people’s uprising against fascism during World War II. This holiday is observed through formal ceremonies at which the prime minister and other dignitaries deliver addresses acknowledging the significance of this revolt to the spirit of Macedonian independence. In conjunction with this holiday, the Macedonian Parliament recognizes accomplishments in the areas of science, culture, art, and journalism through the “October 11” life achievement awards. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary