Cité Soleil

One of the largest slums in the Northern Hemisphere, Cité-Soleil is a very densely populated shantytown located in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, that is generally regarded as one of the nation’s poorest and most dangerous areas. There are no police, no sewers, no stores, and little to no electricity. Its population, composed mostly of children and young adults, is beset by extreme poverty, violence, disease, and the presence of armed gangs. Approximately how many people live in Cité-Soleil? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

William Herschel Discovers Uranus (1781)

For many years, astronomers mistakenly believed that the planet Uranus, which is sometimes visible to the naked eye, was a star. Herschel, a German-born English astronomer, originally believed that it was a comet. It soon proved to be, indeed, a verifiable planet—the first to be discovered in modern times with the aid of a telescope. The planet was only named Uranus—for the Greek personification of heaven—after the original name of Herschel’s choosing proved unpopular. What was it? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Daniel Lambert (1770)

Lambert is famous for having been recognized, in his own time, as the fattest man in England. An active and athletic youth, he began his dramatic weight gain after taking over his father’s job as keeper of a prison in Leicester. Though he initially led a quiet life and was well liked by his prisoners, he eventually—and reluctantly—went on tour. By then, he weighed more than 700 pounds (318 kg), and spectators paid a shilling each to see him. What complication arose when he died at Stamford? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Morris Dancing

The morris dance is an English folk dance that emerged in the 15th century and is closely associated with festivals like those of May Day and Whitsunday. It is performed by sides, or teams, of dancers often dressed in white and adorned with bells. In addition to executing the dance’s intricate footwork, which varies from region to region, performers hold and wave items like handkerchiefs, swords, and sticks. How did the morris dance get its name? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

First American Girl Scouts Meeting (1912)

After meeting Boy Scouts founder Robert Baden-Powell, Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low organized the first meeting of the Girl Scouts in the US in Savannah, Georgia. There were only 18 girls at the first meeting, but within a few decades, the organization boasted hundreds of thousands of participants. More than 50 million American women have participated in the Girl Scouts since then, learning practical skills through character-building activities. What was the original name of the Girl Scouts? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

St. Gregory’s Day

St. Gregory, a sixth-century monk who became pope, is also the patron saint of schoolchildren and scholars. In Belgium, schoolchildren rise early on March 12 and parade through the streets dressed as “little soldiers of St. Gregory.” They carry a big basket for gifts and are accompanied by a noisy drummer. The young girls in the procession wear big shoulder bows that resemble the wings of a butterfly. They march from house to house, pausing at each door to sing a song and to ask for treats, and the procession always includes a group of angels. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary