Primal Therapy

Primal therapy is a type of psychotherapy built upon the idea that many adults’ mental problems result from unresolved childhood conflicts. It encourages patients to relive early traumatic experiences and to release the painful emotions associated with them through aggressive behaviors, such as screaming about their parents. Developed by psychologist Arthur Janov in the 1960s, the therapy became popular in the 70s but was soon the target of criticism. However, it attracted what notable patients? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Dihydrogen Monoxide Hoax

The dihydrogen monoxide hoax utilizes an uncommon scientific name for molecules composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom to demonstrate how the lack of scientific literacy combined with an exaggerated analysis can lead to misplaced fears. The hoax points out that dihydrogen monoxide “is the major component of acid rain,” “may cause severe burns,” “contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape,” and “accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.” What is dihydrogen monoxide? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Clonorchis sinensis

The Oriental liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis, is a parasitic worm that may be acquired by eating raw, undercooked, pickled, salted, or smoked fish. The fluke exists in a dormant stage in the skin of a fish and is unable to continue its life cycle until ingested by a warm-blooded animal, in which the larvae mature and produce eggs. The adult fluke can survive in the biliary duct of its host for up to 50 years and can cause chronic liver disease and, eventually, death. How it is treated? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The Consolation of Philosophy

Born to a patrician family, Boethius was a Roman scholar, philosopher, and statesman who became consul in 510 CE and subsequently chief minister to the Ostrogothic king Theodoric. Condemned to death for treason, he wrote his greatest work, De Consolatione PhilosophiaeThe Consolation of Philosophy—while in prison awaiting execution. The work, which was extremely popular and influential throughout the Middle Ages and later, is written as a conversation between Boethius and whom? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Mongolian Wrestling

Bökh is a martial art and traditional style of Mongolian folk wrestling with a long history. Genghis Khan considered it to be an important part of keeping his army in good physical shape and combat-ready, and the Manchu dynasty imperial court held regular wrestling events between Manchu and Mongol wrestlers. Today, wrestling plays a key role in Mongolian rituals and festivals and is one of the Mongolian culture’s historic “Three Manly Skills,” which also include what other activities? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary