Han’gul Day

This day commemorates the invention of the Korean alphabet by scholars under the direction of King Sejong of the Yi Dynasty in 1446. The day is celebrated with Confucian rituals and Choson-period court dances performed at Yongnung, the king’s tomb, in Yoju, Kyonggi. Yoju also stages the King Sejong Cultural Festival, with chanting and processions at Shilluksa Temple, farmers’ dances, games such as tug of war, and a lantern parade. In some areas, there are calligraphy contests for both children and adults. Ceremonies are also held at the King Sejong Memorial Center near Seoul. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The Hobo Nickel

Hobo nickels are sculptural artworks created on small denomination coins, particularly US nickels, long favored by coin engravers because of their size, thickness, and softness. When the Indian head, or buffalo, nickel was introduced in the US in 1913, its large, thick profile gave artists a larger template to work on and allowed for finer detail. Due to its low cost and portability, this medium was particularly popular among hobos, hence the name. What images appear on classic hobo nickels? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

White Elephants

A “white elephant” is an expensive possession that is a financial burden to maintain. The expression derives from Southeast Asian monarchs’ practice of making gifts of rare albino elephants, which, although sacred in South Asia and a sign of the ruler’s favor, were very expensive to keep and could not be sold or used for work. White elephants were thus both a blessing and a curse. According to tradition, what role did a white elephant play in the birth of the Buddha? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

World Space Week

In 1999 the United Nations designated October 4 through October 10 as World Space Week. The week celebrates the contributions that space science and technology have made to improving life on Earth. October 4 was chosen to commemorate the former U.S.S.R.‘s October 4, 1957, launch of Sputnik, the first manmade satellite in space. October 10 honors the 1967 signing of the U.N. Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary


ALH84001 is a Martian meteorite that was found in Allan Hills, Antarctica, in 1984. It made headlines in 1996, when it was announced that it could contain trace evidence of Martian life in the form of fossils of bacteria-like life forms. There has since been much debate about whether the structures in question are truly evidence of extraterrestrial life. Some believe that the microfossils resulted from contamination by earthly biofilms. How long was ALH84001 on Earth before it was discovered? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Battle of Tigranocerta (69 BCE)

Through an alliance with his father-in-law, Mithradates VI of Pontus, Armenian King Tigranes the Great extended his conquests across Asia Minor and founded Tigranocerta—the modern Siirt, Turkey—as the capital of his large empire. In 69 BCE, Roman forces led by General Lucullus captured Tigranocerta. With the aid of Tigranes’s son, Pompey vanquished Tigranes, who lost all of his conquests and had to pay tribute to Rome. What early form of chemical warfare was employed during the battle? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary