The Sheng

Also called a syrinx or panpipes, the sheng is a primitive wind instrument consisting of a series of short hollow reeds or pipes graduated in length by the musical scale and fastened side by side. Of Chinese origin, the instrument became known to the Greeks, who linked its origin to the legend of the nymph Syrinx, said to have been transformed into reeds to escape the amorous pursuit of the god Pan. What composers have used the sheng in their compositions? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Herding Dogs

A herding dog is a type of pastoral dog that has been selectively bred for the purpose of directing and controlling the movement of livestock. Renowned for their intelligence and responsiveness to commands, these dogs make excellent pets as long as they are kept active. Potential owners should also be aware that the dogs’ herding instinct may occasionally lead them to bump people or nip at their heels in an attempt to herd them. What is the difference between a header and a heeler? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary


A maser is a device that produces an intense and highly focused beam of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range of the spectrum. Its name is an acronym for “microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” A wavelength produced by a maser is so constant and reproducible that it can be used to control a clock that remains accurate to one second over hundreds of years. Masers also make it possible to measure faint radio waves emitted by Venus. How do they differ from lasers? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Capability Brown

Brown was an English landscape gardener known for designing gardens that broke with the French formal tradition. Brown instead favored a distinctively English style of grandly picturesque, natural-looking, and asymmetrically structured landscapes replete with groves of trees, expansive lawns, meandering streams, and sylvan lakes. In 1749, he became a consulting gardener and earned his nickname by often telling clients that their properties had “capabilities.” What was his real first name? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The Printing Press

The printing press is widely regarded as one of the most important inventions of the second millennium, one that revolutionized people’s access to information and ushered in the modern age. Johannes Gutenberg, the first European to print using movable type and a press, is generally credited with the development of the process that remained the principal means of printing until the late 20th century. Which of his printed works, completed by 1455, are perhaps the most valuable books in the world? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary