The Swedish Empire

Between 1611 and 1718, the Kingdom of Sweden was one of the great powers of Europe. Sweden first became powerful during the reign of King Gustavus II. Through a war with Russia, he acquired Ingermanland and Karelia. From Poland, he took nearly all of Livonia. By his victories at Breitenfeld and Lützen in the Thirty Years War, Gustavus made Sweden the dominant Protestant power of continental Europe. Its southern provinces were recovered from Denmark in 1660. What brought an end to Sweden’s power? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary


Derived from an Old Norse word meaning “sorrow,” anger is an emotion whose merits have been debated by philosophers and scientists alike since antiquity. Galen and Seneca, for example, regarded anger as a kind of madness and saw value in controlling it. Marcus Aurelius viewed it as a sign of weakness. Aristotle, however, believed anger to be useful for preventing injustice because it arises from perceived injustice. What have recent studies shown about the association between anger and optimism? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Hadrian’s Wall

Stretching 73.5 mi (118.3 km), Hadrian’s Wall was an ancient Roman wall built in Britain. Constructed mainly in the 2nd century CE under Emperor Hadrian, it guarded the northwestern frontier of the province from Celtic and other invaders. Fragments of the wall, 6 ft (1.8 m) high and 8 ft (2.4 m) thick, and many of its mile stations are still extant and are some of the largest and most significant remains of the Roman occupation. What other wall was built by the Romans in Britain? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Santon Fair

Santons are the small, colored clay figures that appear in crêches throughout France at Christmas. Thousands of people come from all over to purchase their santons at the Santon Fair, which takes place during the month of December in Marseilles. In addition to the usual biblical figures, a number of local figures, garbed in traditional Provençal clothing, can be purchased at the fair. They are made by local families who have passed down the molds and models from generation to generation since the 17th century. Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The Boxer Rebellion

The Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901) was a popularly supported uprising of Chinese peasants against foreigners at a time when, during an economic depression, China was being forced to grant concessions to Western powers. The Righteous Fists of Harmony, or Boxers, opposed the political, economic, and religious encroachment of Westerners and killed thousands of Chinese Christians and Westerners before an international force quelled the attacks. What did the Boxers think made them impervious to bullets? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary