
rebus – A puzzle in which one must decode a message consisting of pictures representing syllables and words. More…

puzzle – Comes from Old French opposaile, “thing set before one,” “bewildering thing”; as a verb, it first meant “be beset by difficulties.” More…

cabobble – To mystify, puzzle, or confuse. More…

word search – A puzzle consisting of letters arranged in a grid which contains a number of hidden words written in various directions. More…

Chester Greenwood Day

Chester Greenwood (1858-1937) made his first pair of “ear protectors” when he was 15 years old. He was granted a patent in 1877 and established an entirely new industry in his hometown of Farmington, Maine, where he continued to refine the design and manufacture of what we now know as earmuffs. Farmington residents celebrate Chester Greenwood Day on the first Saturday in December (Greenwood was born on December 4) with a parade, flag-raising ceremony, and a foot race. Everyone is encouraged to wear earmuffs for the festivities, including pets. Discuss


A scroll is a roll of paper, parchment, or papyrus that can be unwound for writing upon or reading. A popular format for recording texts prior to the development of codices, scrolls fell out of common use by the Middle Ages. However, some Hebrew scribes still copy scrolls of the Torah by hand, adhering to extremely strict guidelines used since antiquity. If a copy differs from the original by a single letter, the entire scroll can be invalidated. How many letters are contained in a Torah scroll? Discuss

Marshall Islands Gospel Day

Gospel Day in the Marshall Islands is similar to Thanksgiving day in the United States. The Marshallese people attend church on this day to commemorate the first missionaries who brought the light of God to the Marshall Islands. The largest church in the Marshall Islands is the United Church of Christ; however, many other Protestant denominations have churches in the Marshall Islands, including Assembly of God, Baptist, and Seventh Day Adventists. In addition, the Catholic Church has established a strong presence in the islands Discuss

Molecular Clouds

Throughout the universe, new stars are born in cold, concentrated, asymmetrical clouds of interstellar gas where molecules exist in appreciable abundance. These molecular clouds are often so dark and full of dust that light cannot pass through them, and when they collapse internally, new stars are formed. The motions of such clouds are governed by turbulence and gravity, and they can be tremendously large. Within our own galaxy, where are clouds of molecular gasses predominantly located? Discuss