In 1700 BCE, the city of Hattusa was burned to the ground by invaders who then officially cursed the city to prevent it from being resettled. Soon after, the Hittites made Hattusa their capital. Today, the impressive remains of the ancient Turkish city include huge fortifications, gates, and temples—below which archaeologists have found even earlier levels. In recent years, Turkey used what tactic to pressure Germany into returning an ancient sphinx removed from Hattusa nearly a century ago? Discuss
Month: February 2021
Definition: (noun) A remote and undeveloped area.
Synonyms: backwoods, hinterland.
Usage: I have fond memories of my childhood home, but I would never trade city life to go back to the boondocks.
amuse-bouche, amuse-guele – Amuse-bouche and amuse-guele both mean literally “something to please the mouth,” and both refer to an appetizer or pre-meal tidbit. More…
like – Comes from Germanic likam, “appearance, body, form”; the verb came from likojam, which, as like, originally meant “please.” More…
love – From Old English lufu, connected with Sanskrit lubh, “to desire,” and Latin lubere, “to please.” More…
Lady Luck
The personification of fortune, whether good or bad. (Sometimes spelled in lowercase.) Watch the video
Human Vestigiality
Thanks to evolution, humans have a number of anatomical structures that today have little or no use. Along with vestigial features such as wisdom teeth and the tail bone—which are thought to hearken back to a time when our ancestors consumed lots of raw plants and balanced with their tails—there are also vestigial reflexes. One example is goose bumps, which would raise our fur, if we still had it, and make us seem more menacing. What purpose might the appendix, long considered vestigial, serve? Discuss
Definition: (noun) Formality in bearing and appearance.
Synonyms: lordliness, dignity.
Usage: Our national father figure needs gravitas, [but] he’s pitched himself as the kid brother.
honky-tonk – May come from the New England dialect word honk, “to idle about,” and is a rhyming duplication. More…
libberwort – Food or drink that makes one idle and stupid, food of no nutritional value, i.e. junk food. More…
ignavia, ignavy – Idleness or sloth can be described as ignavia or ignavy. More…
labor under the illusion of/that
To live, operate, or function with the unyielding belief in something, especially that which is fanciful, unrealistic, or untrue. Primarily heard in US. Watch the video
World of Warcraft
At its peak in 2010, World of Warcraft boasted 12 million players, making it by far the world’s most popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). Set in the fictional world of Azeroth—a universe so detailed and sprawling that one can get lost—the game allows players to interact within the framework of an intricate social class system. What devastating in-game incident so closely resembled a real disease outbreak that it attracted the attention of research scientists? Discuss
Definition: (noun) A person pitied for his misfortune.
Synonyms: poor devil.
Usage: If the poor wretch waked in the flames and perished, no one cared.