
vidiot – An undiscriminating viewer of television or video recordings. More…

gaffer – In television and film, the senior electrician. More…

sixty-four dollar question, sixty-four thousand dollar question – The sixty-four dollar question on the U.S. radio quiz (1942) became the sixty-four thousand dollar question on television (1955). More…

square eyes – Used to describe someone addicted to television. More…


In Macedonia, the first three days of March are known as Drymiais and are associated with a number of superstitious beliefs. No trees are pruned or planted during this period because it is believed that they will wither. On March 1, one custom is for Macedonian mothers to tie pieces of red and white yarn around their children’s wrists. When they see a swallow, the children throw the skein of yarn to the bird as an offering, or place it under a stone. If they lift the stone a few days later and find a swarm of ants beneath it, they can expect a healthy and prosperous year. Discuss

Leda and the Swan

The unusual and memorable tale of Leda and the Swan has been represented in countless literary and artistic works throughout the ages. According to Greek mythology, Zeus—the chief god of the ancient Greek pantheon—came to the beautiful, mortal Leda in the form of a swan and either raped or seduced her. Leda then laid two eggs, and a set of twins hatched from each egg—one set fathered by her husband, and the other fathered by Zeus. One of the children was Helen of Troy. Who were the other three? Discuss