Insular Dwarfism

When an animal population is limited to a very small environmental area, its members may become reduced in size. This phenomenon, known as insular dwarfism, is most common on islands but may also occur in caves and isolated valleys. Experts remain divided on what causes this dwarfing. One theory is that it is a gene-encoded response to environmental stress; another is that smaller animals have a survival advantage when food is scarce. What extinct and extant species have undergone this process? Discuss

Saba Saba Day

July 7 marks the day when the ruling party of Tanzania, known as TANU (Tanganyika African National Union), was formed in 1954. The TANU Creed is based on the principles of socialism as set forth in the TANU Constitution. Also known as Saba Saba Peasants’ Day or Industrial Day, it is officially celebrated in a different region of the country each year with traditional dances, sports, processions, rallies, and fairs. Tanzania, perhaps best known as the home of Mount Kilimanjaro, was formed in 1964 when Tanganyika merged with Zanzibar. Discuss

Company Towns

As the name implies, a company town is built around a business, typically a plant or factory, for its employees and their families. The company often owns much or all of the real estate, including residential and commercial buildings, grocery stores, and libraries. Company towns emerged in the late 19th century. Though there were more than 2,500 at their height, most of the towns collapsed economically when their companies cut back or went out of business. What were some famous US company towns? Discuss


pip – An apple seed or lemon seed is a pip. More…

citrus, citron – Latin citrus signified the citron, an Asian tree with lemonlike fruit; citron is a French derivative of citrus, coined on the model of French limon, “lemon.” More…

lemon sole – Actually a type of flounder—not sole—it has nothing to do with lemon other than it is pale-yellow in color; the name derives from French limande, “flatfish.” More…

muddle – To muddle a lemon is to lightly mash slices to release the essential oils. More…