On July 19, 1947, Aung San and six of his cabinet members, including his older brother, were assassinated during an Executive Council meeting. His political adversary, U Saw, was found guilty of participating in the assassinations and was later executed for his part in the killings. July 19 has been declared Martyr’s Day, a national holiday on which the people of Myanmar remember their slain leader Aung San. On this day, the country holds a moment of silence, and a ceremony is held as family members of Aung San and the other assassinated cabinet members lay wreaths on their tombs. Discuss
Month: July 2021
look (at something) through rose-colored glasses
To assume a generally optimistic and cheerful attitude (toward something); to focus on the positive aspects (of something). Primarily heard in US. Watch the video
Bampfylde Moore Carew, King of the Beggars
Carew was an English rogue and vagabond who became a folk hero after The Life and Adventures of Bampfylde Moore Carew was published in 1745. The book portrayed him as a roaming trickster who lived off the money he made deceiving the wealthy. Carew’s ruses included claiming alms as a shipwrecked sailor, dressing as an old woman, posing as a rat-catcher, and faking smallpox. Carew claimed to have been elected “King of the Beggars” by members of what group after the death of their leader? Discuss
bar code – Includes code terms for the country of manufacture, the manufacturer, and the type of product—a combination specific enough to ordinarily identify any product. More…
arsenal – From Arabic dar al sindah, meaning “workshop for art, manufacture,” it was originally used in English to mean “naval dock” or workshops for making ships and arms. More…
forge – Comes from Latin fabrica, “trade, workshop” or “fabric,” and it first meant “smithy” or “manufacture.” More…
light industry – The manufacture of small or light articles. More…
Uruguay Constitution Oath Taking Day
The country of Uruguay adopted its first constitution on July 18, 1830, shortly after becoming independent in 1828. The 1830 constitution, modeled after the American and French constitutions, created executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. Later constitutions checked the powers of the president and provided for a separation of church and state. To commemorate the adoption of Uruguay’s first constitution, speeches are given by government officials and a parade featuring a military band, mounted cavalry, and soldiers is held in the capital city of Montevideo. Discuss
look on the sunny side (of life/things)
To view one’s life, situation, or circumstances with a generally optimistic and cheerful attitude; to focus on what is positive in life. Watch the video
Samizdat was the clandestine system of writing, printing, and distributing literature that was suppressed by the Soviet government. The term also refers to the literature itself. Samizdat began appearing in the 1950s and typically took the form of carbon copies of typewritten sheets that were passed from reader to reader. Subjects included dissident activities, transcripts of political trials, and analyses of socioeconomic and cultural themes. What does samizdat mean in Russian? Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Worthy of severe condemnation or reproach.
Synonyms: condemnable, criminal, reprehensible, vicious.
Usage: He had committed a deplorable act of violence, and the judge gave him the maximum sentence for his crime.
sneb – A reprimand or a snub. More…
avert – Etymologically, it means “to turn away”: blows can be averted, but not pain; a snub can be averted, but not a humiliation; violence can be averted, but not damage. More…
cold shoulder – This term for a snub started when people overstayed their welcome and were served cold beef shoulder, rather than hot food. More…
snouch – To snouch someone is to snub or treat with scorn. More…