oysterage – An oyster bed. More…
ostracine – The adjective form of oyster. More…
oyster – From the Greek word ostreon, etymologically an allusion to its shell, from the Indo-European base ost-, “bone.” More…
To advance or progress, especially through life, according to one’s own efforts, inclinations, or designs. Watch the video
When the American West was still being settled, large ranchers monopolized areas of public range land in Wyoming to prevent newcomers from settling there. In April 1892, war broke out between settlers and established ranchers, culminating in a lengthy shootout between small ranchers, a band of hired killers, and a sheriff’s posse. Federal troops eventually intervened on orders from US President Benjamin Harrison. What note did the hired gunmen pin on the chest of the first man they killed? Discuss
graft, splice – A graft is one thing attached to another by insertion or implantation so it becomes part of it; a splice is the joining of two things end-to-end to make a new whole. More…
pilot hole – A small hole drilled or hammered for the insertion of a nail or screw, or for drilling a larger hole. More…
punctuate, punctuation – Punctuate—which first meant “point out”—and punctuation are from Latin punctus, “prick, point”; the present-day meaning comes from the insertion of “points” or dots into written texts to indicate pauses (once called “pointing”). More…
insert, insertion – The Latin elements in- and serere, “to join, plant,” are part of insert and insertion. More…
This festival is a celebration of ginseng in Fusong, a county in the Changbai Mountains of China and the largest ginseng grower in the country. The people of Fusong have traditionally celebrated the ginseng harvest, and, in 1987, the government officially set aside three days for both a festival and a trade fair of ginseng products. The festival features performances of yangko, dragon, and lion dances; story-telling parties with a ginseng theme; art and photo exhibits; and a fireworks display. Discuss
To make someone uncomfortable, embarrassed, or disconcerted by what is being said. Alludes to the ears growing red from blushing. Watch the video
Planned obsolescence is a policy of deliberately limiting the life of a product in order to encourage the purchaser to replace it, thereby stimulating sales. Now applied to many different products, notably computer software, the concept first emerged in the 1920s when companies began to analyze every aspect of mass production. Planned obsolescence can refer to both technical failures and to “style” obsolescence. What are some examples of modern products that are designed to become obsolete? Discuss
visit, visitation – A visit is an instance of visiting; a visitation is an act of visiting, and carries the connotation of an unexpected or undesired occurrence. More…
October surprise – An unexpected, but popular, political act made just prior to a November election, in an attempt to win votes. More…
off the wall – Alludes to squash or handball, when a shot comes off the wall at an unexpected or erratic angle. More…
wrong-foot – To disconcert by doing something unexpected. More…