
squall – A violent wind that comes in suddenly, but does not last long, and is often accompanied by rain or snow. More…

amaze, surprise – Amaze once meant “alarm, terrify,” but now means “astonish”; surprise means “meet with suddenly or without warning.” More…

intersilient – Describing something suddenly emerging in the midst of something. More…

subitary – “Suddenly or hastily done or made.” More…

Turkey Republic Day

The Turkish Republic was founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1923 after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Kemal was named the first president on October 29, a full republican constitution was adopted the following April, and all members of the Ottoman dynasty were expelled from the country. The public celebration, which lasts for two days, includes parades, music, torchlight processions, and other festivities in honor of the founding of the republic. The largest parades are held in Ankara and Istanbul. Discuss


The first Price Club opened in 1976 in an airplane hangar previously owned by Howard Hughes, and the first Costco opened in 1983. The two merged in 1993, and Costco is now the largest membership warehouse chain in the US. Costco sells items, often in bulk, at low prices in its unadorned warehouses, displaying products on pallets. The company maintains a markup limit of 15 percent, and will not stock a product if it deems the price too high. What did Costco refuse to sell for this reason in 2009? Discuss


process, procedure – A process is a set or series of actions directed to some end or a natural series of changes; a procedure is a series of actions conducted in a certain manner, an established way of doing something. More…

ceremonially, ceremoniously – Ceremonially relates to the performance of a procedure; ceremoniously relates to the performer of the procedure. More…

procedure, process, proceed – Procedure, process, and proceed come from Latin procedere, “to go forward.” More…

seder – The Hebrew word for “order, procedure”; it is the ceremonial Jewish dinner held on the first night of Passover. More…

The Babington Plot

Mary Queen of Scots was the Catholic monarch during the Scottish Reformation. Forced to abdicate, she fled to England and was welcomed but then imprisoned by Elizabeth I, who considered Mary a threat due to her Catholicism and her strong claim to the throne through her grandmother, Margaret Tudor. During her 18-year imprisonment, Mary endlessly schemed to gain her freedom but was beheaded when the Babington Plot—to murder Elizabeth and place Mary on the throne—was discovered. Who was Babington? Discuss