The Mbira

The mbira, or thumb piano, is an African musical instrument that dates to at least the 16th century. Originally brought to Latin America by African slaves, it is made of a hollow gourd or wooden resonator and has several attached metal or bamboo strips that vibrate when plucked by the player’s thumbs or fingers. Some cultures, such as the Shona people of Zimbabwe, use mbira music to communicate with ancestral spirits. What objects are often placed on the soundboard to create a buzzing sound? Discuss


remote – From Latin remotus, the past participle of removere, “remove.” More…

remote sensing – The scanning of the earth by satellite or aircraft to obtain information about it. More…

devious – Its literal meaning is “out of the way,” from Latin de via—applied to a place that was remote because it was off the main road. More…

remote control – The term existed by 1904, and the shortened version, remote, was used in print by 1966. More…

Graphics Processing Units

A graphics processing unit (GPU) is a programmable logic chip that renders images, animations, and videos for a computer’s screen. It is often located on a plug-in card or on the computer’s main circuit board—the motherboard. The GPU functions as a coprocessor, taking some of the workload from the main processor so the computer can run faster. The Commodore Amiga, one of the first computer systems to gain a reputation for advanced graphics, contained a “blitter,” which does what? Discuss


fighting fire with fire – Early American settlers had to put out great prairie fires and learned that setting a circle or strip of land on fire could stop the path or lessen the impact of a big fire—giving us the phrase “fighting fire with fire.” More…

freezing rain – Rain that freezes on impact with the ground or objects. More…

draw – The billiard ball’s recoil after impact. More…

impinge, infringe – To impinge is to come into contact or encroach or have an impact; to infringe is to encroach on a right or privilege or to violate. More…