
The probable ancestors of modern cattle, aurochs once inhabited forests in Northern Africa, Europe, and Southwest Asia. The enormous—having a shoulder height of around 6 ft (1.8 m)—horned, black oxen are depicted in prehistoric cave paintings, and the species endured until the 17th century, when the last known aurochs died in Poland. Breeders have since tried to recreate the extinct species, but none have yet managed to produce a genetically identical animal. What has arisen from their efforts? Discuss


roorback – A false report made to damage the reputation of a political candidate. More…

character, reputation – Character is what one is; reputation is what one is thought to be by others. More…

denigrate – From Latin de- and nigare, “blacken,” it first meant “make black or dark in color,” and came to mean “blacken the reputation of.” More…

fame – Also meant “reputation” in early contexts. More…


The guqin is an ancient Chinese stringed instrument of the zither family that originated thousands of years ago. Throughout Chinese history, it was often associated with scholars, and it is said to have been played by Confucius. The guqin has remained symbolic of Chinese heritage and was featured during the opening ceremonies of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, and a recording of its music was even included on the Voyager Golden Record that was sent into space. What does its name mean? Discuss

Kenka Matsuri

The Kenka Matsuri (Roughhouse Festival) takes place October 14-15 in Shirahama, Japan, and thousands flock to the shrine where the festival is held. The roughhousing starts as teams of mikoshi-bearers jostle each other for position in the procession to the Matsubara Hachiman Shrine. Once they reach the shrine, they spin their heavy burden, raise it up high in the air and let it crash to the ground—difficult maneuvers designed to thrill the crowd. The mikoshi engage in a final battle in an open field, where thousands of cheering spectators take sides and and egg them on. Discuss