Gustavus Adolphus Day

Gustavus Adolphus (1594-1632) was the king of Sweden who laid the foundations of the modern Swedish state and turned the country into a major European power. He was killed during the Thirty Years’ War while leading a cavalry charge at the Battle of Lützen on November 6, 1632. The anniversary of his death is observed throughout Sweden with patriotic demonstrations—particularly in Skansen, Stockholm’s outdoor museum. Enormous bonfires are built on Reindeer Mountain and processions of students carry lighted torches through the museum grounds. Discuss

Sima Qian

Near the end of the 2nd Century BCE, Qian succeeded his father as grand historian of the Chinese court. He extended a project planned by his father into a history of China and all regions and peoples known at the time. The Shih chi became a model for subsequent Chinese dynastic histories, and its wide range, many-faceted characterizations, and vivid dialogue have won admiration for over 2,000 years. He finished it after being castrated as punishment by the emperor for what offense? Discuss


epiphonema – An exclamatory sentence or reflection summing up a discourse. More…

rainbow – Comes from Old Norse regnbogi (becoming Old English renboga, ren, “rain,” and boga, “bend, bow”) and is a bow or arch of the colors of the prism that is formed in the sky opposite to the sun by the reflection, double refraction, and dispersion of the sun’s rays in falling drops of rain. More…

sheet lightning – Appears as a broad sheetlike illumination of parts of a thundercloud, caused by the reflection of a lightning flash. More…

Guy Fawkes Day

On the night of November 4, 1605, 36 barrels of gunpowder were discovered beneath the Houses of Parliament in London. The conspirators of the Gunpowder Plot planned to blow up King James I to avenge laws against Roman Catholics. While Guy Fawkes didn’t originate the plan, he was caught red-handed after someone tipped off the king’s ministers. The following year, Parliament established November 5 as a national day of thanksgiving. Effigies of Guy Fawkes are still burned in bonfires that night, and fireworks fill the skies over Britain in remembrance of the failure of the Gunpowder Plot. Discuss

Trench Warfare

Although trenches were used in ancient and medieval warfare, they are mainly associated with WWI. Because the introduction of rapid-firing artillery made the infantry charges of earlier wars virtually impossible, opposing sides attacked and defended from sets of trenches dug into the ground in zigzag patterns. The advent of mechanized warfare made it possible to circumvent these defenses, however, and trench warfare was little used in WWII. In what more recent wars was it nevertheless employed? Discuss


elixir – Derives from Arabic al-‘iksir, “the powder for drying wounds.” More…

kohl – A powder used to darken the eyes, it is from ancient Arabic and Egyptian times. More…

loaded for bear – Dating from the mid-1800s, it alludes to the heavy charge of powder or lead that hunters use for large animals, such as bears. More…

take a powder – Comes from “take a runout powder,” with powder meaning “impetus, rush; impetuosity.” More…