
Writing teachers often begin with one simple instruction: “Show, don’t tell.” Plato and Aristotle explored the same concept, but used the terms “diegesis”—which equates to telling—and “mimesis,” a form of showing. In diegetic texts, the narrator explicitly relays action to the reader, while mimetic texts draw the reader into the characters’ world. Diegesis functions differently in films. The world that characters explore is considered diegetic. What aspects of films are deemed non-diegetic? Discuss

The Concord Prison Experiment

This experiment investigated whether psychotherapy combined with the psychoactive drug psilocybin, derived from hallucinogenic mushrooms, could help rehabilitate imprisoned criminals and keep them from recidivating upon regaining their freedom. A team of Harvard University researchers, led by experimental psychologist Timothy Leary, conducted the experiment from 1961 to 1963 at Massachusetts’s Concord State Prison, a maximum security prison for young offenders. What were the initial results? Discuss


mammock – A scrap, shred, or piece that is torn or broken off. More…

riffraff – Rif/riff, “spoil, strip,” and raf, “carry off,” combined as rif et raf in French, then went to English as riff and raff, “everything, every scrap,” and then riffraff. More…

scrip – Can be a scrap of paper with writing on it. More…

tatter – A scrap of cloth, from Old Norse totrar, “rags”; often used as tatters. More…