The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Is Signed (1848)

A border dispute sparked by the US annexation of Texas in 1845 soon led to all-out war between the two countries. Under the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the war, Mexico confirmed US claims to Texas and ceded lands constituting present-day California, Nevada, and Utah, and parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming in exchange for an indemnity of $15 million and US assumption of American claims against Mexico. How did the US’s victory precipitate its Civil War? Discuss

Groundhog Day

There was a medieval superstition that all hibernating animals came out on Candlemas to check the weather. If they could see their shadows, it meant that winter would go on for another six weeks. The most famous forecaster in the U.S. is Punxsutawney Phil, a legendary groundhog in Pennsylvania believed to be nearly a century old. Thousands of people trek up to Phil’s burrow on February 2 and get the news directly from him. Numerous events take place in Punxsutawney surrounding February 2, including parties, live entertainment, and a winter carnival. Discuss

Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand (1754)

The prototype of the witty, cynical diplomat, Talleyrand is exalted by some as a savior of Europe and damned by others as an opportunist or traitor. Undisputed, however, is the Frenchman’s impressive knack for political survival. He held high office from the ancien régime through the Revolution, Napoleon’s rise and fall, the Restoration, and the July Monarchy. He scored his greatest diplomatic triumphs representing France at the Congress of Vienna. What was one of his worst diplomatic failures? Discuss


Borobudur is a magnificent 9th-century Buddhist shrine located in Java, Indonesia. The ruins resemble a stepped pyramid, and its intricately carved blocks of stone illustrate the life of the Buddha. A seated Buddha may be seen from three platforms above the seven stone terraces that encircle the pyramid. The simple and spacious upper terraces carry 72 bell-shaped shrines, each containing a statue of the Buddha. Hidden for centuries, Borobudur was rediscovered in the 19th century by whom? Discuss

Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster (2003)

The Space Shuttle Columbia broke up upon reentry into Earth’s atmosphere during the conclusion of its 28th mission to space, killing its seven-member crew. Investigations revealed that the breakup resulted from damage sustained during launch when a piece of foam insulation broke free from an external tank and struck the shuttle’s left wing. NASA learned of the foam strike early on but failed take steps that might have averted the disaster. Why did they ignore the issue? Discuss

Yaya Matsuri

The Yaya Matsuri, held in Owase, Japan, during the first week in February, features mikoshi (portable shrines) carried through the streets by groups of young men who meet and deliberately crash into each other. The festival takes its name from their shouts—”Yaya! Yaya!”—as they run into one another. Several special events, including dances, are held during the five-day festival. On the last night, there is a ceremony at the Owase Shrine to determine who will participate in the festival the next year. Discuss