The Kitty Genovese Murder

The brutal rape and murder of 28-year-old Catherine “Kitty” Genovese in New York City in 1964 shocked and outraged the nation. Her stabbing death was witnessed in parts by perhaps as many as 38 of her neighbors, but none tried to help her until after the attack ended. Many of them later told police that they were unaware that a homicide was in progress. Subsequent psychological research, spurred by reports sensationalizing the event, prompted investigation into the phenomenon now known as what? Discuss

Grant's Tomb Dedicated (1897)

The remains of American Civil War general and US President Ulysses S. Grant and his wife, Julia Dent Grant, lie interred in Grant’s Tomb. The granite and marble structure, designed by architect John Duncan, was completed in 1897 and dedicated on what would have been Grant’s 75th birthday. The tomb complex is located in New York City’s scenic Riverside Park. A major restoration by the National Park Service was completed by its centennial. What did Duncan use as a general model for his design? Discuss

Coretta Scott King (1927)

Coretta Scott King was the wife of slain civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr., and a noted community leader in her own right. She was vocal in her opposition to apartheid, capital punishment, and war and advocated for women’s rights, lesbian and gay rights, and HIV/AIDS prevention. In 1968, Mrs. King established The King Center, a memorial dedicated to promoting the legacy and ideals of her late husband. Why was she under FBI surveillance from 1968 to 1972? Discuss


Forensics is the science and practice of examining physical evidence in order to resolve legal issues, particularly those related to crimes. It comprises a range of scientific disciplines, like forensic toxicology, which focuses on the effects of drugs and toxins on the body, and forensic pathology, which aims to establish cause of death through examination of the corpse. Popular TV shows glamorizing forensics have given viewers unrealistic expectations of the field, a phenomenon dubbed what? Discuss