"New Coke" Introduced (1985)

“New” Coke was the sweeter drink introduced in 1985 by The Coca-Cola Company to replace its flagship soda, Coca-Cola. The move was intended to cater to an apparent public preference for a sweeter soft drink and to combat Pepsi’s growing popularity. Public reaction was devastating, with thousands voicing disapproval, and the new cola quickly entered the pantheon of major marketing flops. What happened when Coke’s original formula, renamed “Coca-Cola Classic,” was reintroduced? Discuss

Shakespeare's Birthday

No one really knows the exact date of William Shakespeare‘s birth, although he was baptized on April 26, 1564, and died on April 23, 1616. April 23 is also St. George’s Day, and this may be why it was decided to observe the birth of England’s greatest poet and dramatist on the feast day of England’s patron saint. Special pageants are held at Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, where Shakespeare was born and where thousands of tourists go each year to see his plays performed. Discuss

William Shakespeare (1564)

Though his true date of birth remains unknown, the birthday of famed playwright and poet William Shakespeare is traditionally observed on April 23, the same day on which he died 52 years later. Since his death, his plays, such as Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet, have been performed and studied all over the world. Some scholars have speculated that Shakespeare did not write all of the works attributed to him. Who do they suggest was responsible for authoring the Shakespearean canon? Discuss


Shamanism is premised on the belief that the visible world is pervaded by invisible spirits that affect the lives of the living. Intermediaries known as shamans are believed to have contact with these forces and to be able to cure illness, foretell the future, and control natural events. Some societies distinguish shamans who cure from sorcerers who harm, while others believe that all shamans have both curative and deadly powers. What methods do shamans use to make contact with the spirit world? Discuss

John Kerry Testifies before Congress on Vietnam (1971)

Though he was a decorated Vietnam veteran—a recipient of the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts—John Kerry was also an outspoken opponent of the war. In 1971, he appeared before the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to urge the US to pursue an immediate and unilateral withdrawal. In his testimony, he also presented the findings of the Winter Soldier Investigation, which collected firsthand accounts of war crimes from Vietnam veterans. Why was Kerry arrested a month later? Discuss

Moors and Christians Fiesta

Moors and Christians fiestas are celebrated all over Spain, but the Fiesta of Alcoy is one of the most colorful. Coinciding with the feast day of St. George, it commemorates the victory of Christians over the Moorish leader al-Azraq in 1276. The fiesta begins on the morning of April 22 with the entry of the Christians; the Moors arrive in the afternoon, dressed in exotic costumes. On April 23, the relic of St. George is carried in procession to the parish church. On the third day, the battle is reenacted, and an apparition of St. George appears on the battlements of the castle. Discuss

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870)

Lenin was a Russian revolutionary and Bolshevik party leader whose mastery of political theory and shrewd political instincts led him to become the first Premier of the Soviet Union. As leader, Lenin nationalized banks, gave workers control over factory production, and introduced atheism as a political doctrine. His adaptation of traditional Marxist doctrine has become known as Marxism-Leninism and forms the basis of communist ideology. Where are Lenin’s preserved remains currently displayed? Discuss