Minamata Disease Officially Discovered in Japan (1956)

Minamata disease is a degenerative neurological disorder characterized by a loss of coordination and peripheral vision, poor articulation of speech, and numbness of the extremities. It was first encountered in 1956, when numerous cases of the then-unknown disease were observed in Minamata, Japan. Investigations showed that the consumption of seafood contaminated by a local chemical factory’s mercury-laden wastewater caused the disorder. What brought more attention to the disease in 1965? Discuss

The Game of St. Evermaire

The Spel van Sint Evermarus, or the Game of St. Evermaire, is a dramatic reenactment of the slaying of eight pilgrims in Rousson (Rutten), Belgium, on their way to the Holy Land in 699. This event is portrayed by the townspeople of Rousson each year on the first day of May in the meadow near the Chapel of St. Evermaire. Following a procession around the casket believed to contain the saint’s bones, costumed villagers representing St. Evermaire and his companions are attacked by 50 “brigands” led by Hacco, the legendary assailant. By the end of the drama, the saint and the seven pilgrims lie dead. Discuss

John Woo (1946)

Woo is a Chinese film director known for the balletic violence of his movies. His films belong to a genre originating in Hong Kong called “heroic bloodshed” and have inspired American filmmakers like Quentin Tarantino. Woo first gained international recognition with his 1989 Hong Kong thriller The Killer. During the 1990s, he became one of the first Asian directors to achieve mainstream success in Hollywood. He has since directed several American films, including what 1997 blockbuster? Discuss


An easy way to get a sense of whether or not someone is a musical insider is to have him say the word “timbre.” This is because musicians generally pronounce the first syllable of that word differently than non-musicians. “Timbre” is therefore a shibboleth—a word whose pronunciation can be used to distinguish between groups. The word has its origins in the Bible, which recounts the killing of 42,000 fugitive soldiers identified by their pronunciation of “shibboleth.” How did they say it? Discuss