
The sixth planet from the Sun, Saturn is a gas giant and the second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. When viewed through a telescope, it is seen as a golden sphere. Saturn’s most remarkable feature is the system of rings that orbits it. Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune also have rings, but only those of Saturn are easily visible. Galileo first observed the rings in 1610, and astronomer Christiaan Huygens determined their true shape in 1659. What substances make up the rings? Discuss

Niger Gains Independence from France (1960)

In 1885, the Conference of Berlin placed Niger under French control, and, in 1922, the territory became a separate colony within French West Africa. During that time, France did little to develop Niger’s economy or educational system. The French constitution of 1946 granted Niger its own assembly, which stimulated national political activity and spurred the formation of Niger’s first important political organization. In 1960, Niger achieved independence. Who was the country’s first president? Discuss

Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia (1770)

Friedrich Wilhelm III ruled Prussia from 1797 to 1840 and was well intentioned but weak and vacillating. Despite attempts at neutrality, he was drawn into the Napoleonic Wars between France and a shifting alliance of European powers. Defeated by the French in 1806, he allied with Russia, and his troops were instrumental in Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo. Prussia’s prestige declined during his reign, and he was quite unpopular. What happened when his wife visited Napoleon on Prussia’s behalf? Discuss

The Tepee

The tepee was once a typical dwelling of Native North Americans of the Great Plains. Such structures usually consisted of conically arranged tent poles over which skins, often bison hide and occasionally elaborately decorated, would be tightly stretched. These dwellings provided strong shelter against the weather yet could also be easily dismantled and loaded onto pack animals when a tribe was on the move, making them ideal for nomadic hunters. How does a teepee differ from a wigwam? Discuss

Iraq Invades Kuwait (1990)

Though justified by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein on grounds that Kuwait was historically part of Iraq, Iraq’s 1990 invasion of its neighbor was presumed to be motivated by a desire to acquire Kuwait’s rich oil fields and expand Iraq’s power in the region. Under United Nations (UN) auspices, the US formed a coalition and began massing troops in Saudi Arabia. When Iraq ignored the UN Security Council’s deadline for the withdrawal of forces from Kuwait, the US attacked how many days later? Discuss

Feast of Forgiveness

The Festa del Perdono, or Feast of Forgiveness, is observed annually in Assisi, Italy, where St. Francis built his humble hermitage, known as the Porciúncula (“little portion”), in the 13th century. Porciúncula also refers to the plenary indulgence that used to be given to those who visited this sanctuary on August 2, the date set by Pope Honorius III in 1221. Although in the beginning the indulgence could only be gained in the Porciúncula, the privilege was eventually extended to all churches having a connection with the Franciscan order. Discuss

James Baldwin (1924)

Baldwin was a groundbreaking African-American author best known for his novel Go Tell It on the Mountain. He wrote about social taboos such as racism and homosexuality at a time when mainstream literature largely ignored them. He grew up in poverty in the New York City district of Harlem and became a preacher while in his teens. In 1947, he left the US to live in Europe, and upon his return in 1957, he joined the civil rights movement. What famous author taught Baldwin in his youth? Discuss