An arboretum is a botanical garden primarily devoted to trees and other woody plants that are cultivated for scientific, educational, and ornamental purposes. The plants are labeled with their common and scientific names, and they are arranged in cultural or habitat groups, such as tropical, desert, and aquatic. One of the world’s oldest arboretums is the Trsteno Arboretum, near Dubrovnik in Croatia. What arboretum in England helped inspire the design for New York City’s Central Park? Discuss
Month: October 2022
Definition: (adjective) Lacking intelligence or wit; foolish.
Synonyms: nitwitted, soft-witted, senseless.
Usage: He was a witless soul who never learned from his mistakes.
Boris Yeltsin Orders Tanks to Storm Russian Parliament (1993)
As president of an independent Russia, Boris Yeltsin sought to end state control of the economy but clashed with parliament, which was controlled by former Communists. When Yeltsin suspended the parliament, it retaliated by naming Vice President Aleksandr Rutskoi as acting president, and anti-Yeltsin forces barricaded themselves inside the parliament building. The military interceded on Yeltsin’s side and, after a bloody battle, troops recaptured the parliament building. What was the death toll? Discuss
Fiesta of San Francisco (San Pacho)
In Quibdó, Colombia, the Fiesta of San Francisco is one of the biggest celebrations of the year. The procession on October 4 is the highlight of the festival, but several days of sports—including boxing, horse racing, cycling, and pig-catching contests—precede this. The streets are filled with people dressed up as devils, savages, and various animals, and there are dancing and fireworks every night. On the final day, there is an afternoon procession, in which everyone accompanies the statue of St. Francis as it is carried through the streets of Quibdó. Discuss
Buster Keaton (1895)
Though his career had its ups and downs, Keaton is recognized today as one of silent cinema’s greatest actors and filmmakers. He is remembered as much for his acrobatic skill as for his trademark deadpan expression, both of which he developed performing in vaudeville as a child and honed over the course of his decades-long career on the silver screen, starring in such classics as The General and Steamboat Bill, Jr. How did Joseph Frank Keaton come to be known as Buster? Discuss
close as the bark to the tree
As connected as is possible. Often used to describe a particularly intimate relationship or friendship. Watch the video
Brandenburg Gate
The Brandenburg Gate is the last surviving town gate of Berlin, Germany. When completed in 1791, the lavish gate greeted visitors to the boulevard that led directly to the Prussian palace. Architect Carl G. Langhans modeled the gate after the Propylea, the gateway to the Acropolis in Athens. On top was the “Quadriga of Victory,” a statue of a chariot drawn by four horses. Heavily damaged in World War II, the gate was restored in 1957. Why was it closed in 1961, and when did it reopen? Discuss
Battle of Mogadishu Begins (1993)
In 1992, US armed forces, together with the United Nations, undertook a joint relief operation in Somalia, a country wracked by civil war and famine. Increasing violence in the area led to “Operation Gothic Serpent,” a US mission to capture Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid’s top advisors, but two US helicopters were shot down, and an urban battle ensued. Eighteen US servicemen and thousands of Somalis died in the fighting. What went wrong even before the helicopters were shot down? Discuss
German Unity Day
Unity Day celebrates the reunification of East and West Germany that took place on October 3, 1990. In setting the date of the official reunification, West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl wanted to honor the historic events of November 1989, in which the government of East Germany resigned and thousands of citizens scaled the Berlin Wall and began to demolish it, but did not want to overshadow other important November observances. German Unity Day is observed with speeches, marches, and public events, including the government’s official Unity Day celebration street festival. Discuss