
The story of Roxelana is a true rags-to-riches tale. Little is known of her early life, but she was likely born in Ukraine in the 16th century. At some point, she was captured by Crimean Tatars and taken as a slave. Brought to Constantinople (now Istanbul), she was selected to be a concubine in the harem of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Roxelana soon gained Suleiman’s favor and—in a shocking break with tradition—he made her his legal wife. What did this mean for the sons she bore him? Discuss

Ebisu Festival

This Japanese festival is named after Ebisu, one of the seven Japanese gods of luck, who is the protector of businessmen and fishermen. According to legend, all the other gods leave their shrines during October, which is known as “the godless month,” and gather at the temple of Izumo to discuss issues of great importance. Because he is deaf, Ebisu cannot hear the summons and does not accompany them. The Ebisu Festival is a time for members of trade associations and political and literary societies to socialize. The festival is also a time to pray for prosperity. Discuss

Béla Lugosi (1882)

Lugosi, a Hungarian-born US actor, is best known for his portrayal of Dracula in the Broadway stage production and subsequent film of Bram Stoker’s classic vampire story. He appeared in the 1931 film version wearing minimal makeup and using his natural, heavily accented voice. Following this memorable performance, Lugosi found himself frequently typecast as a horror film villain. When Lugosi died in 1956, his son and fourth wife decided to bury him wearing what part of his Dracula costume? Discuss

Bryce Canyon

Utah’s Bryce Canyon is known for its spectacularly colorful landscape and its geological structures that resemble miniature cities, cathedrals, and spires. These structures, known as “hoodoos,” were formed when water, frost, and wind acted on alternate strata of soft and hard limestone, creating colorful and unique forms. The canyon region was settled by Mormon pioneers in the 1850s and was named for Ebenezer Bryce, who homesteaded in the area. How is Bryce said to have described the canyon? Discuss

US Government Prohibits All Exports to Cuba (1960)

After Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898, US influence over the island grew. The two countries traded heavily until Fidel Castro rose to power in a bloody coup, and Cuba expropriated many American-owned land holdings. The US then enforced a prohibition of all exports to Cuba in 1960. Two years later, the US blockaded the island in order to compel the Soviet Union to dismantle its nuclear missile base. Although the word “embargo” exists in Spanish, what is the US embargo called in Cuba? Discuss

Feast of the Martyrs of North America

The Feast of the North American Martyrs commemorates the death of eight priests who were killed by the Iroquois, enemies of the Huron Indians, with whom the priests had been working for 34 years. The eight who are remembered on this day are St. Rene Goupil (1608-1642), St. Isaac Jogues (1607-1646), St. John Lalonde (d. 1646), and their companions, French Jesuits who died in 1649. They were canonized together in 1930, and a shrine built for them at Auriesville, New York, holds a novena each year over nine days, including October 19. Discuss