
Hadith is the collection of the traditions of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam. Hadith consists of two branches, the first concerned with the validation of the individual traditions through the process of examination of its chain of transmitters back to the Prophet, and the second concentrating on the actual content of the traditions as a source of religious authority. What are the differences between the Hadith accepted by Sunni Muslims and that accepted by Shiite Muslims? Discuss

Thomas Paine Publishes Common Sense (1776)

Paine was an Anglo-American political theorist and pamphleteer. He anticipated and helped foment the American Revolution through his powerful writings, most notably the enormously successful pamphlet Common Sense, in which he argued that the colonies had outgrown any need for English domination and should be granted independence. Paine’s influence was also strongly felt during the French Revolution, and, despite the fact that he did not speak French, he was elected to what governing body? Discuss

Stephen Ambrose (1936)

American historian and prolific author Stephen Ambrose gained fame for his biographies of US presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon as well as for his bestselling books about World War II, including Citizen Soldiers and D-Day. His works—especially the book Band of Brothers, which served as the basis for a television miniseries of the same name—inspired a renewed interest in the sacrifices of American soldiers. Why have some of his works been criticized? Discuss


The city of Famagusta is located in Eastern Cyprus. It occupies the site of ancient Arsinoë—built in the 3rd century BCE by the Egyptian king Ptolemy II—and is thought to be the setting for much of Shakespeare’s play Othello. In the 20th century, Famagusta served as a British naval base and was heavily bombed in World War II. From 1946–1948, a British internment camp for illegal Jewish immigrants to Palestine was maintained near the city. Why was Famagusta completely evacuated in 1974? Discuss

Jimmy Page (1944)

One of the most influential guitarists in the history of rock music, Page started his career as a highly sought-after studio guitarist in England. Under his direction, Led Zeppelin became one of the era’s most successful rock groups, redefining the musical sound of the 70s. He has co-written many of rock’s most popular anthems, including “Stairway to Heaven,” which has been the subject of controversy ever since reports surfaced that it contains subliminal messages that can be heard in what way? Discuss


The Gurkha are members of a Nepali ethnic group who claim descent from the Rajputs and Brahmins of North India. They entered Nepal from the west after being driven from India and, in the early 16th century, conquered the small state of Gurkha. They then expanded eastward and established their authority over all of Nepal by the mid-18th century, although a subsequent war with the British in India brought a strong British influence to Nepal. What is the name of their famed curved knife? Discuss