Although the Shetland is one of the smallest breeds of horse, measuring no more than 46 inches (117 cm) high, it is extremely hardy and needs little care, having adapted to the harsh climate and scarcity of food in Scotland’s Shetland Islands. Shetland ponies were thus used as pack horses and worked in England’s coal mines in the 19th century. These diminutive horses are also known for their gentle disposition and are a favorite mount for children. Shetland ponies can live to be how old? Discuss
Month: January 2023
Definition: (noun) A tower with a light that gives warning of shoals to passing ships.
Synonyms: lighthouse, beacon.
Usage: The pharos was no longer operational and served as a tourist attraction in the sleepy beach town.
King Henry VIII Marries His Fourth Wife (1540)
In 1539, Henry VIII of England—a monarch who became famous for having married six times—agreed to marry his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves. Although he tried to break this contract once he saw his homely bride-to-be, they wed in January 1540. Henry sought an annulment just months later, and Anne cooperated—a wise decision given that Henry had had his second wife, Anne Boleyn, executed after she failed to produce a male heir. Why had Anne of Cleves been considered an ideal match for Henry? Discuss
Maroon Festival
When Jamaica was a Spanish territory in the 16th century, African slaves were brought in to work the plantations. The Spanish eventually left, and the former slaves fled to the mountains. During the 17th and 18th centuries, the island’s British inhabitants were often attacked by descendants of these fugitive slaves, who were called Maroons. The annual Maroon Festival on January 6 commemorates the peace treaty with the English and establishment of the town of Accompong. It is celebrated with traditional dancing and singing, feasts and ceremonies, and the blowing of the abeng. Discuss
Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett (1946)
Barrett, an English singer, songwriter, guitarist, and artist, was one of the founding members of Pink Floyd. The band formed in 1965, and it soon became the most popular group in the “London Underground” psychedelic music scene. As the group’s popularity grew, Barrett began behaving increasingly erratically, and he left Pink Floyd in 1968 amid speculations of mental illness exacerbated by drug use. After a short-lived solo career, Barrett retreated from public life and returned to doing what? Discuss
cat's pajamas
Something or someone highly enjoyable, desirable, or impressive, especially in a fancy or elaborate way. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. Watch the video
Wilhelm Steinitz
Steinitz was a pioneering modern chess player. After discovering a talent for chess while a student in Vienna, he devoted himself to the game and by 1866 was recognized as the world champion, although the title did not officially exist yet. His loss of the world championship in 1894 so disturbed him that he spent much of the rest of his life in mental institutions and died a pauper in 1900. Who took the title from Steinitz, and what did he say with regard to Steinitz and his unfortunate fate? Discuss
Jackie Robinson Retires (1957)
Robinson, a vocal member of the Civil Rights movement, was the first African-American baseball player in the modern major leagues and the first African American to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. In 1949, he led the National League in both stolen bases and batting average and was named its most valuable player. In recognition of his accomplishments both on and off the field, Major League Baseball retired Robinson’s number in 1997. How many times did he “steal home” during his career? Discuss
Twelfth Night
In England, the evening before the Epiphany is called Epiphany Eve, or Twelfth Night, and it traditionally marks the end of the Christmas season. Celebrations reflect ancient Winter Solstice rites encouraging the rebirth of the New Year and also the Magi‘s visit to the Christ child. Pageants held on this night typically include masked figures, costumed musicians, and traditional dances. Customarily, the Twelfth Night cake is sliced and served, and the man who gets the hidden bean and the woman the pea are the king and queen for the festivities. Discuss