Blackbeard Killed in Battle with Royal Navy (1718)

Before turning to piracy, Blackbeard, whose real name was probably Edward Teach, likely worked as a privateer in the War of the Spanish Succession. While marauding in the West Indies and along the Atlantic coast, Blackbeard enjoyed the protection of North Carolina’s governor—who partook of the booty. A British naval force eventually killed Blackbeard and took his head back to England as proof. Legend has since romanticized the notoriously cruel pirate. When was his wrecked ship rediscovered? Discuss

The Rosicrucian Order

In the early 1600s, three manifestos were published describing an esoteric order founded by Christian Rosenkreuz. The Rosicrucian Order’s secret teachings deal with the occult symbols of the rose and the cross and with mystical writings containing kabbalistic, Hermetic, and other doctrines. Practitioners claim occult powers and employ the terminology of alchemy to expound their mystical doctrines. According to the 17th century texts, Rosenkreutz was born in 1378 and lived for how many years? Discuss

Mayflower Compact Signed (1620)

The decision to settle outside the boundaries of established colonial government rather than within Virginia territory, as originally planned, led some Mayflower passengers to assert that they would not be bound by laws. Concerned Pilgrim leaders drafted a compact providing for the temporary government of the colony. The 41 adult male signers agreed to combine themselves into a “civil Body Politick” that would enact “just and equal laws” that were made for the “general good” of what? Discuss

Voltaire (1694)

Voltaire was the pseudonym of French philosopher and writer François-Marie Arouet. One of the towering geniuses in literary and intellectual history, Voltaire was a prolific writer who authored tragedies, poems, and works on philosophical and moral problems, including Lettres philosophiques and Candide, a satire on philosophical optimism. During his lifetime, he was twice imprisoned in the Bastille and, in 1726, was exiled to England. How did Voltaire create his pen name? Discuss


The organs of smell are confined to a small area in the roof of the nasal cavity. Olfactory cells are stimulated when certain molecules reach them, and nerve fibers extend from these receptor cells to the olfactory bulb in the human brain. Smell is one of our most subtle senses, amplifying the sense of taste and detecting tens of thousands of distinct scents. Odor information is easily stored in long-term memory and has strong connections to emotional memory. Why might this be? Discuss