Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Taylor Johnson (1912)

Taylor married future US President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1934. In 1943, she bought a debt-ridden radio station and built it into a multimillion-dollar broadcasting company, later helping to finance her husband’s first election campaign. As first lady, she played an active role in politics while supporting the “war on poverty,” environmental causes, early education, and national beautification projects. She later wrote A White House Diary. How did she get the nickname “Lady Bird”? Discuss

The Affair of the Tichborne Claimant

When a young Sir Roger Tichborne, the Tichborne family heir, was lost at sea, his mother began a desperate search for the son she believed was still alive. In 1865, about a decade after her son disappeared, Lady Tichborne received a letter regarding Arthur Orton, an Australian butcher fitting Sir Roger’s description. She soon accepted Orton as her eldest son. After her death, Orton testified in an inheritance trial, but lost. He was then arrested and convicted of perjury. What was his sentence? Discuss

First Manned Voyage to a Celestial Body Launched (1968)

Also the first manned launch of a Saturn V rocket, Apollo 8 was the first manned voyage to a celestial body—the Moon. It took about three days for the craft to enter lunar orbit, whereupon it proceeded to orbit the Moon 10 times in 20 hours. The three crew members were the first humans to see the far side of the Moon—an important precursor to the historic lunar landing that would occur less than a year later. In a Christmas Eve live TV broadcast from space, the crew read from what book? Discuss

St. Thomas's Day (Episcopal Church)

St. Thomas the Apostle was dubbed “Doubting Thomas” because, after the Resurrection, the other Apostles told him that they had seen Jesus, and he wouldn’t believe them until he had touched Jesus’ wounds himself. When the Apostles left Jerusalem to preach to the people of other nations, as Jesus had instructed them to do, tradition says Thomas traveled eastward toward India. In Kerala, the smallest state in India, the Malabar Christians claim St. Thomas as the founder of their church. For them, his feast day is a major celebration. Discuss

Frank Zappa (1940)

Zappa was a prolific and highly distinctive guitarist, composer, and songwriter. His career spanned more than 30 years and encompassed a variety of genres, including rock, jazz, and classical. He released the groundbreaking double album Freak Out! with the Mothers of Invention in 1966. With its raw sound, sophisticated arrangements, and lyrics praising nonconformity, the album immediately established Zappa as a radical new voice in rock music. What unusual names did he give his children? Discuss

Sumo Wrestling

Japanese sumo wrestling originated as a religious ritual performed at Shinto shrines and evolved into a spectator sport in the 17th and 18th centuries. Matches often last only a few seconds and end when one wrestler forces his opponent to either step outside the fighting ring or touch the ground with any part of his body other than the soles of his feet. Wrestlers generally weigh more than 300 lbs (135 kg) and follow a rigorous training regimen. What is the life expectancy of a sumo wrestler? Discuss