George C. Parker: Landmark Broker

Parker was one of the most audacious con men in US history. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Parker sold and resold many of New York’s landmarks to unwitting tourists. His most popular sales pitch was for the Brooklyn Bridge, a structure he sold on a regular basis. On a number of occasions, police were called to intervene as naïve “owners” attempted to erect tollbooths on the span. Imprisoned in 1928, Parker easily charmed the inmates and guards. What other landmarks did he sell? Discuss

Soviet Union Announces Boycott of Summer Olympics (1984)

In response to the US boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, 14 Eastern Bloc countries, including the USSR, Cuba, and East Germany, boycotted the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles, California. The USSR cited US “chauvinistic sentiments and anti-Soviet hysteria” in its announcement of its decision not to participate. Thanks, in part, to the Soviet boycott, the US won 83 gold medals and 174 medals overall in Los Angeles. How did the US’s unexpected success cost McDonald’s millions? Discuss

Petrus Canisius (1521)

Canisius was a 16th century Jesuit preacher who fought against the spread of Protestantism in Germany, Austria, Bohemia, and Switzerland. His catechism, Summa Doctrinae Christianae, authorized in 1566, was one of the earliest popular expositions of the faith. The reestablishment of Roman Catholicism in Germany after the Reformation was largely due to his zeal, and he was canonized and declared a Doctor of the Church in 1925. What line is he credited with adding to the Hail Mary prayer? Discuss


Ayahuasca, or “vine of the soul,” is a South American hallucinogenic brew made from the bark and stems of a tropical vine, generally Banisteriopsis caapi, mixed with other psychotropic plants. Many indigenous Amazonian peoples use the brew in their folk medicines and shamanistic rituals. In addition to its hallucinogenic properties, ayahuasca helps protect the body from tropical parasites and worms by inducing vomiting and diarrhea. What dietary restrictions surround ayahuasca use? Discuss

World War II: Germany Signs Unconditional Surrender (1945)

By the beginning of 1944, air warfare had turned overwhelmingly in favor of the Allies, who wrought unprecedented destruction on many German cities and on transport and industries throughout German-held Europe. German collapse came after the meeting of the Western and Russian armies at Torgau in Saxony, and after Hitler’s death amid the ruins of Berlin, which was falling to the Russians. The unconditional surrender of Germany was signed at Reims on May 7. When did it take effect? Discuss

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840)

A towering figure in Russian music and one of the most popular composers in history, Tchaikovsky became interested in music as a child and turned to serious composition at 14. His works are noted for their expressive melodies, and he is said to have revolutionized ballet by transforming it from a grand decorative gesture into a staged musical drama. His ballets include Swan Lake and The Nutcracker. What Russian businesswoman supported him for 13 years but—as a rule—never met him? Discuss


Bedbugs are small, nocturnal, reddish-brown insects that infest dwellings and bedding and feed on human blood. They emit an unpleasant-smelling oily secretion from two glands on their undersurface; but more unpleasant than a bedbug’s odor is its bite, which can cause irritation, itching, welts, and swelling. Contrary to popular belief, poor housekeeping does not invite bedbugs; they are attracted by body heat and carbon dioxide. What should be done to combat an infestation? Discuss