The Manticore

With the body of a lion, the tail of a scorpion or dragon, the head of a human, and three rows of sharp teeth, the legendary manticore bears several similarities to the Egyptian sphinx. A mythical creature of Persian origin whose name derives from the Persian word for “man-eater,” the manticore is rumored to kill its victims instantly with only a single bite or scratch and then fully devour them. The manticore was said to roam the jungles of what country? Discuss

Battle of the Bismarck Sea Begins (1943)

This battle was an unparalleled victory for Allied air power in WWII. During the engagement, Allied planes attacked and nearly obliterated a Japanese convoy transporting thousands of troops to New Guinea. The Japanese loss of critical reinforcements and supplies changed the course of the Pacific War. The Allies were later criticized for strafing Japanese survivors, reportedly in retaliation for Japanese actions earlier in the battle. What new bombing technique did the Allies use in the battle? Discuss


Hussars originated in 15th-century Hungary as a light-horse corps, but the term now applies to members of various light cavalry regiments in European armies, renowned for their elegant dress. The brilliantly colored Hungarian hussar’s uniform consisted of a high cylindrical cap, a jacket with heavy braiding, and a loose coat worn hanging from the left shoulder. Several hussar regiments of the British army survive today as armored units. What were the original meanings of the word “hussar”? Discuss

Yellowstone National Park Established (1872)

Before Ferdinand Hayden’s extensive geological exploration of the Yellowstone area in 1871, many doubted the stories of prior European explorers describing a remarkable landscape dotted with geysers and boiling springs. Paintings and photographs from Hayden’s expedition helped convince Congress to make Yellowstone the US’s first national park, and it now draws millions of visitors each year. Why do park officials refrain from extinguishing wildfires that pose no immediate threat to human life? Discuss

The Skating Minister

The Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch is an oil painting better known as The Skating Minister. Completed in the 1790s, the work was practically unknown until 1949, but it is now one of Scotland’s most famous paintings. Although it is traditionally attributed to Scottish portrait painter Sir Henry Raeburn, some have argued that the painting was actually made by French artist Henri-Pierre Danloux. What evidence do they cite to support these claims? Discuss

Linus Carl Pauling (1901)

An American chemist, Pauling was the first person to win two unshared Nobel Prizes: one for chemistry in 1954 and one for peace in 1962. He was one of the first to study molecular structure using quantum mechanics, and he made discoveries in biochemistry and medicine. In the 1950s, he became concerned about nuclear weapons testing and radioactive fallout and wrote an appeal—signed by thousands of scientists—to halt such tests. What publication called his peace prize “A Weird Insult from Norway”? Discuss

DuPont Scientist Wallace Carothers Invents Nylon (1935)

Though his struggles with mental illness made him initially reject a lucrative job with DuPont, chemist Wallace Carothers accepted the offer in the late 1920s and enjoyed much success there. Perhaps his greatest achievement was the invention of nylon, which rapidly gained widespread use in an array of products. First used to make toothbrush bristles, nylon was soon replacing silk in the parachutes and flak vests of American WWII combatants and in women’s stockings. How did nylon get its name? Discuss

Hugo LaFayette Black (1886)

Black was a US Supreme Court Justice for 34 years. A prominent supporter of the New Deal, he was also in the majority that struck down mandatory school prayer and guaranteed the availability of legal counsel to suspected criminals. He was known for an absolutist belief in the Bill of Rights, and his last major opinion supported the right of The New York Times to publish the Pentagon Papers, which revealed improper government conduct. To what secret society did Black once belong? Discuss

The Reichstag Fire (1933)

The 1933 fire at the German Parliament building known as the Reichstag was a pivotal event in the establishment of Nazi Germany. Allegedly set by a Dutch communist, the fire was used by Adolf Hitler to turn public opinion against his opponents, especially the communists. Immediately after the fire, he enacted a decree suspending constitutional protection of personal rights, effectively establishing the Nazi Party dictatorship. Why do some believe the fire was set by the Nazis themselves? Discuss


There are approximately 1,300 known species of scorpion, and they are all venomous. Scorpions have two types of venom: a translucent, weaker venom used to stun and an opaque, more potent venom used to kill heavier threats. Although their venom is optimized to affect other arthropods and is relatively harmless to humans, a few species have venom potent enough to be lethal. What scientific fact challenges the ancient belief that scorpions sting themselves to death when surrounded by fire? Discuss