
The Shahnameh, or Book of Kings, is an enormous poetic opus compiled by the Persian poet Ferdowsi around 1000 CE. Considered the first great work of modern Persian literature, the Shahnameh recounts the mythical and historical past of Iran, from the creation of the world until the Islamic conquest in the 7th century. With 62 stories, 990 chapters, and 60,000 rhyming couplets, the Shahnameh is much longer than what well known ancient epic? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Michael Malloy: The Man Who Would Not Die

In New York City in 1933, five men took out three life-insurance policies on an alcoholic vagrant named Michael Malloy in the hopes of hastening his death and receiving the payout. One of the men owned a speakeasy and gave Malloy unlimited credit, but the vagrant drank all day without effect. He even survived when they replaced his liquor with various poisons, fed him carpet tacks and metal shavings, attempted to freeze him to death, and hit him with a car. What finally killed Michael Malloy? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The Trickster

A common figure in the folklore of many indigenous peoples, the trickster is a god, goddess, spirit, human, or anthropomorphic animal who is often an amoral and comic troublemaker. The trickster’s rule-breaking frequently takes the form of tricks or thievery. An enduring archetype, the trickster can be cunning, foolish, or both and often inspires laughter even when considered sacred. In many cultures, the trickster is also a culture hero. Who are some examples of modern-day tricksters? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Banoffee Pie

A portmanteau of “banana” and “toffee,” banoffee pie is an English dessert made from bananas, cream, toffee, and a pastry or biscuit base. Though Ian Dowding and Nigel Mackenzie of The Hungry Monk restaurant in East Sussex, England, claim to have invented the dish in 1972, other tales of its origins eventually spread. The men responded by offering a £10,000 prize to anyone who could disprove their claim. How is the toffee for the pie made? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The Golden Hour

Achieving the perfect lighting for outdoor shots can be a challenge for even the most experienced photographer. In the middle of the day, the harsh overhead sun can cause overly bright highlights and dark shadows. To get the best shot, photographers often wait for the “golden” or “magic” hour—the first and last periods of sunlight during the day. The low sun creates a warm light that is ideal for landscape photos and enhances the colors of a scene. How long does the “golden hour” usually last? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The Deadly Yellow River

Stretching 3,395 miles (5,464 km), the Yellow River, or Huang He, is the world’s sixth longest river. Called the “the cradle of Chinese civilization” because its basin is the birthplace of the northern Chinese civilizations, the oft-flooding river has also earned the nickname “China’s Sorrow.” Its floods—more than 1,500 in the last 3 to 4 millennia—have caused some of the deadliest natural disasters in human history and claimed millions of lives. How was the river once used as a weapon of war? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary


Derived from a Latin phrase meaning “a condition of turning about,” the term vertigo is used in medical circles to describe the sensation of spinning or swaying while the body is stationary. Usually associated with a disturbance in the inner ear balance mechanism, the brain, or nerve connections between the two, vertigo is a major symptom of a balance disorder. There are two types of vertigo: subjective and objective. What is the difference between the two? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The Hollow Earth Theory

Popularized by adventure, fantasy, and sci-fi literature, Hollow Earth theories advance the notion that Earth has a hollow interior and, possibly, a habitable inner surface. Although direct knowledge of Earth’s structure extends only 15 m (24 km) down—the deepest humans have ever drilled—the Hollow Earth hypothesis has long been refuted by the modern understanding of planet formation. However, in ancient times, subterranean realms seemed plausible and became linked with what religious concepts? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary


Identified primarily by the skin lesions it causes, leprosy is a chronic infectious disease that affects the skin, peripheral nerves in the hands and feet, and mucous membranes of the nose, throat, and eyes. Because of the deformities associated with it, leprosy has been one of the most feared diseases since biblical times. Contrary to popular belief, however, the leprosy mentioned in the Old Testament is likely an entirely different ailment than the one known today. Is leprosy treatable? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Touch Pieces

Touch pieces are coins and medals—especially those with special designs or features—whose superstitious owners believe the items have supernatural powers. Thought to be imbued with the power to cure disease, bring good luck, influence behavior, or carry out a specific action if touched or held close, many touch pieces have been treasured by families for generations. The Lee Penny, taken from the Holy Land during a crusade, is still owned by the crusader’s family. What power is it said to have? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary