Gaston Planté

In 1859, French physicist Gaston Planté invented the lead acid battery, the world’s first rechargeable electric battery and the forerunner of the modern automobile battery. His early model consisted of two sheets of coiled lead soaked in sulfuric acid, but he soon revised this design, and just a year later, he presented a nine-cell version to the Academy of Sciences. What mechanical device did Planté invent as part of his investigation into the differences between static and dynamic electricity? Discuss

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is a mixture of silver particles and water that has antimicrobial properties. Formerly used on external wounds and burns to prevent infection, colloidal silver is cited by some alternative-health practitioners as a beneficial nutritional supplement and a powerful antibiotic that is relatively safe for human consumption. However, most members of the mainstream medical community warn users that it can lead to argyria, a rare but permanent condition that turns the skin what color? Discuss

The Murders at Wright's Taliesin

Famed American architect Frank Lloyd Wright led a turbulent life rife with personal tragedy as well as several failed marriages. In 1909, Wright left his first wife and eloped to Europe with Mamah Cheney, who was also married at the time. When the pair returned to the US, Wright began building a new home, called Taliesin. In August 1914, while Wright was away, one of his workers set fire to Taliesin and murdered 7 people with an axe, including Cheney and her 2 children. Who survived the attack? Discuss

Alan Magee's Death-Defying Free Fall

Alan Magee was an American airman who amazingly survived a 22,000-ft (6,700-m) fall from his damaged B-17 bomber during World War II. In 1943, Magee was on a daylight bombing run over France when German fighters shot off a section of his plane’s right wing, causing the aircraft to enter a deadly spin. His parachute had been damaged and rendered useless, yet the wounded airman had no choice but to leap from the plane. He fell over four miles before what broke his fall? Discuss

Tightrope Between the Towers

Philippe Petit is a French high-wire artist who gained fame for his illegal 1974 walk between the former Twin Towers in New York. After six years of planning, Petit used a 450-pound (204-kg) cable and a 26-foot (8-m), 55-pound (25-kg) balancing pole to make eight crossings between the still unfinished towers—walking, jumping, and lying down on the wire for more than an hour before being arrested when he returned to the tower roof. What punishment did Petit receive for his stunt? Discuss

Change Ringing

Change ringing is the art of ringing a set of tuned bells in a series of mathematical patterns called “changes.” Differing from many other forms of bell ringing in that no attempt is made to produce a conventional melody, change ringing is performed by groups the world over. However, it remains most popular in the setting where its modern form developed during the 17th century: English church towers. Why was church bell ringing prohibited during World War II? Discuss

Modern Antipopes

Modern antipopes are religious leaders who reject the popes selected by the Roman Catholic Church and instead claim the title for themselves, sometimes developing their own religious infrastructure. The Roman Catholic Church regards these claimants as schismatics and heretics. Unlike historical antipopes, most modern antipopes have few followers and are usually not recognized as serious claimants to the papacy. Who are some of the modern antipopes? Discuss

Simulated Reality

The idea that reality could be simulated to a such a degree that it becomes indistinguishable from “true” reality raises a number of questions, including whether the reality we experience is in fact a simulated reality, whether it is possible to determine if we are in a simulated reality, and whether a simulated reality differs from a “real” one. What common phenomenon, which leads many people to believe that a false reality is true, is cited as proof that people will accept simulated realities? Discuss


Due to a wealth of fossil remains, the first of which was found in the late 1870s, Diplodocus is one of the best-studied dinosaurs. The herbivorous dinosaur roamed western North America about 145 million years ago, during the late Jurassic period, walked on four legs, and had an extremely small brain and skull. One of the longest known sauropods, Diplodocus could grow to be 88 ft (27 m) long, most of which was neck and tail. With what man-made structure is it often compared? Discuss

Street Art

Street art is any art developed in public spaces and includes traditional graffiti, stencil graffiti, sticker art, video projections, street installations, and posters. Though it usually refers to art of an illicit nature, the term is used to distinguish contemporary public-space artwork from territorial graffiti, vandalism, and corporate art. Some street artists have even achieved mainstream recognition and commercial success. Who are some prominent street artists? Discuss