
Printmaking is the process of creating an image, called an impression, by inking a prepared plate or woodblock and pressing it against another material. Invented in China in the 5th century, the woodcut was both the earliest printmaking method and the first process that allowed printmakers to produce multiple copies of a text or artwork. Later, techniques involving engraved or etched metal plates were developed. What is the reductionist approach to applying multiple colors to an impression? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Parliament of the World’s Religions

The Parliament of the World’s Religions of 1893 was the first attempt to open a dialogue between representatives of religions from around the globe. It was held in concert with Chicago’s World Columbian Exposition, an early world’s fair, and marked the first formal gathering of representatives of Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. Since then, a number of parliaments dedicated to interfaith dialogue have been held around the world. What faiths were notably absent from the first parliament? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Dark Matter

Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that is believed to make up more than 90% of the mass of the universe but is not readily visible because it neither emits nor absorbs light. Its existence could explain gravitational anomalies observed in the motion and distribution of galaxies. In 1993, astronomers identified part of the dark matter in the form of stray planets and brown dwarfs, and, possibly, stars that have failed to ignite. What acronym is used to refer to this hot, dark matter? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Humphrey DeForest Bogart

Bogart, posthumously named the Greatest Male Star of All Time by the American Film Institute, was an Academy Award-winning actor whose accomplishments in the film industry are recognized worldwide. Though Bogart began acting in theater, he is best known for his work in films like The Maltese Falcon and Casablanca. He became an international cult figure through his roles as a tough, romantic loner, appearing in 75 feature motion pictures. How many times was Bogart married? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

The Mechanical Turk

In 1770, Wolfgang von Kempelen unveiled his Mechanical Turk, a chess-playing automaton. Dressed in a cloak and turban and seated behind a chessboard, the mannequin played chess and executed complex mathematical puzzles. The Turk performed before numerous world leaders before it was revealed to be a hoax; the cabinet beneath the chessboard, which housed the internal mechanism, actually hid a chess master who secretly operated the machine. Which French Emperor was defeated by von Kempelen’s Turk? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary


Hypertrichosis, commonly known as “Werewolf syndrome,” is an extremely rare condition that results in the excess growth of body hair. The syndrome can be generalized across the body or localized to a specific area and ranges from mild to severe. Hypertrichosis is believed to result from genetic factors and is rarely found in its severe form. Those who are strongly affected often display excessive, animal-like hair on the face and body. What is the cure for congenital hypertrichosis? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Queen Tamar

Queen Tamar ruled the Kingdom of Georgia from 1184 to 1213, ascending to the throne after her father’s death. Her outstanding success as a ruler during Georgia’s “golden age” earned her the nickname “King of Kings and Queen of Queens.” Tamar led the Georgian army in a number of military victories, and, in the early 13th century, Georgia annexed the Armenian capitals of Ani and Dvin. Tamar also suppressed a number of rebellions during her reign. Where is she buried? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Face Blindness

Prosopagnosia is a disorder of face perception where the ability to recognize faces is impaired, while the ability to recognize objects may be relatively intact. Because prosopagnosia is a variegated disorder, with patients exhibiting different types and levels of impairment, face perception is now theorized as utilizing a specialized brain system and involving multiple stages that can be interrupted in many ways. What techniques do prosopagnosia sufferers use to recognize people? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Hypatia of Alexandria

Hypatia was an Alexandrian Neoplatonic philosopher and mathematician renowned for her learning, eloquence, and beauty. She became head of Alexandria’s Platonist school in about 400 CE, lecturing there on mathematics and philosophy. Several works are attributed to her by later sources, including commentaries on Ptolemy’s works, but none have survived. Her murder, the subject of many conspiracy theories, was a brutal event. How did religion factor into Hypatia’s lynching? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Paul Bunyan

Paul Bunyan is a mythical lumberjack and American folk hero known for his incredible strength and massive size. His oversized companion, Babe the Blue Ox, reportedly measured 42 ax handles and a plug of tobacco between his horns. The first newspaper article about Bunyan was published in 1906, and later pamphlets by William Laughead popularized the Paul Bunyan story and added to the myth. How do these legends account for the creation of the Grand Canyon, Mount Hood, and Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes? Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary