A person who has an extraordinary reputation or level of fame while he or she is still alive. Watch the video
Category: Idiom of the Day
living impaired
A jocular, pseudo-politically correct term for being dead. Watch the video
scare the (living) daylights out of (someone)
To shock or frighten someone very suddenly and/or severely. Watch the video
living the dream
Leading an extremely ideal life, especially in relation to one’s career. (Sometimes said ironically to mean the opposite.) Watch the video
live paycheck to paycheck
To spend all of the money one earns by or before the next time one is paid, thus saving none or very little in the process. Primarily heard in US. Watch the video
live in an/(one's) ivory tower
To reside or exist in a place or among a social circle that is characterized by effete academic intelligence and thus is out of touch with or aloof from the realities of life. Watch the video
bless your pointy little head
A condescending phrase used to patronize someone for being foolish or not very bright. Watch the video
like there were no tomorrow
Very rapidly and eagerly; without restraint or thought (i.e., as if there won’t be another opportunity, so one must do something as much or as quickly as possible). Watch the video
easier than falling off a log
Extremely easy; very intuitive; requiring little or no skill or effort. Watch the video
lightning quick
(hyphenated if used before a noun) Incredibly fast; too quick to keep up with. Watch the video