To ultimately yield or achieve no useful, beneficial, or successful result or outcome. Watch the video
Category: Idiom of the Day
the L-bomb
An expression of romantic love for another, especially when said unexpectedly and/or for the first time. Usually used in the phrase “drop the L-bomb.” Watch the video
A particularly lazy or indolent person. Watch the video
lay down and die
To quit; to give up hope or ambition. Watch the video
last burst of fire
A final effort or attempt, especially as before failure or defeat. Watch the video
the kiss of life
Artificial respiration, that is, the blowing into the mouth of a person who has stopped breathing so as to force air in and out of their lungs. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. Watch the video
kiss and cry
An area in an ice skating rink where figure skaters rest while awaiting their results after a competitive performance. So named because competitors typically celebrate or commiserate (depending on their performance) with coaches, friends, or family in this location. Watch the video
king of the hill
The most powerful, successful, or authoritative person in a group or organization. Watch the video
king of the jungle
The lion, especially in cultural or artistic depictions. (Usually a misnomer, as lions typically inhabit deserts or dry forests, as opposed to jungles.) Watch the video
a kindred spirit
A person who shares several or many fundamental beliefs, ideas, convictions, sentiments, attitudes, and/or interests with oneself. Watch the video