To remain vigilant or carefully watchful (for something or someone). Watch the video
Category: Idiom of the Day
keep a cool head
To maintain a calm demeanor and think clearly in a difficult, stressful, or troubling situation. Watch the video
on a lark
On a whim or fancy; for fun or as a joke. Watch the video
receive (one's) just deserts
To receive that which one deserves, especially a punishment or unfavorable outcome. (Note: The phrase is often misspelled as “just desserts,” due to the pronunciation of “deserts” and “desserts” being the same in this context.) Watch the video
(something) won't get (someone) anywhere
Something, typically a certain behavior, will not help someone progress or succeed in any way. Watch the video
be not just another pretty face
To have distinguishing achievements, intelligence, skills, or abilities beyond what was or may have been assumed. Watch the video
junkyard dog
An especially nasty, vicious, or savage person or animal (especially a dog). Of a person, often used in the phrase “meaner than a junkyard dog.” Watch the video
jungle telegraph
An informal means of communication or information, especially gossip. Used most commonly in the phrase “hear (something) on the jungle telegraph.” (Analogous to “hear (something) through the grapevine.”) Primarily heard in UK. Watch the video
jump in (one's) skin
To start or recoil, as from shock, surprise, or fear. Watch the video
jump at the chance (to do something)
To accept or seize with alacrity an opportunity (to do something). Watch the video