A difficult and/or precarious situation in which several things are being attempted or must be maintained at the same time. Watch the video
Category: Idiom of the Day
Having ears that stick out markedly from the side of the head, thus resembling the handles of a jug. Watch the video
jolly (someone) up
To make (someone) happier or more cheerful; to cheer (someone) up. Watch the video
jolly (someone) along
To encourage someone (to do something), especially in a positive, cheerful manner. Watch the video
Johnny One-Note
Someone who repeatedly expresses or maintains a strong opinion on a single or a few particular subjects. Primarily heard in US, Canada. Watch the video
Jill of all trades(, master of none)
A woman who is skilled in or adept at a wide variety of tasks or abilities (i.e., the female equivalent of “Jack of all trades”). If used with “master of none,” it implies that while competent in a variety of things, she is not highly skilled in a particular one. Watch the video
A wealthy individual who travels globally, especially by private jet, to frequent fashionable resorts, social events, and the like. Watch the video
the jet set
A group of wealthy individuals who travel globally, especially by private jet, to frequent fashionable resorts, social events, and the like. Watch the video
Jersey justice
A punishment or act of justice that is or appears to be much more severe than the offence warrants. Primarily heard in UK. Watch the video
snatch (someone) from the jaws of death
To rescue someone at the last moment from near or certain death. Watch the video