To be excellent, extremely entertaining, or of very high quality. Watch the video
Category: Idiom of the Day
boil (something) down to (something)
To reduce or simplify (something) to the most basic, essential, or fundamental element(s). Watch the video
it ain't over till/until the fat lady sings
The final outcome cannot be assumed or determined until a given situation, event, etc., is completely finished. (“Ain’t” is a colloquial contraction of “is not.”) The phrase refers to the stereotypically overweight female sopranos of the opera, particularly the Valkyrie Brünnhilde, whose aria concludes Richard Wagner’s opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen. It is often used in reference to organized competitions, such as sporting events, political elections, or the like. Watch the video
come into question
To become doubted, scrutinized, or a matter of serious discussion. Watch the video
user base
business jargon The number units of a particular product or service that are currently in use, especially software or an internet or computing platform. (Also referred to as “install(ed) user base” or simply “install(ed) base.”) Watch the video
insofar as
To such an extent that; to the degree that. Watch the video
inner circle
A small, exclusive, and intimate group of like-minded people sharing a common goal, pursuit, or purpose. Watch the video
slang A writer, especially one who produces a large amount of low-quality material for a living. Watch the video
incumbent (up)on (someone)
Imposed or expected as an obligation, duty, or requirement on someone. Watch the video
in the wild
In naturally occurring conditions or environments. Watch the video