To learn, master, or understand something perfectly, to the point of requiring little or no focus to do, recall, or accomplish it. Watch the video
Category: Idiom of the Day
don't let the door hit you on the way out
Leave here quickly and directly; don’t linger on your way out the door. Used sarcastically to express one’s desire to see someone leave. Watch the video
don't go there
Don’t get into that topic of conversation; I don’t want to talk about that. Used humorously, the phrase usually implies that the speaker has a potentially scandalous, sensitive, or otherwise complicated association with the topic. Watch the video
don't get me started
An exclamation of weariness or despair regarding a topic that has just been introduced and about which the speaker feels very strongly and (usually) has a negative opinion of. Watch the video
Don't call us, we'll call you.
cliché Do not be in further contact with us regarding your application/submission/inquiry/etc., we will contact you if we wish to proceed further (generally meaning that no such contact is to be expected). Watch the video
in donkeys
In an exceptionally long period of time. The phrase likely originated as the rhyming slang, shortened to simply “donkeys,” of “donkey’s ears” —where “ears” rhymes with “years” and alludes to the length of a donkey’s ears. Watch the video
Doctors make the worst patients.
It is difficult to give people help or advice on something in which they are professionals, because they often feel as though they already know better than anyone else how to handle the situation or perform a given task. Watch the video
dodge a bullet
To narrowly avoid something or some situation that turns out to be undesirable, disastrous, dangerous, or otherwise harmful. Watch the video
do the right thing
To act or behave correctly, appropriately, or with the best intentions. Watch the video
dirty money
Money that is obtained or earned through illicit or illegal means, especially thievery, bribery, forgery, or money laundering. Watch the video