To start smiling. Watch the video
Category: Idiom of the Day
brazen it out
To act bravely and confidently when one is afraid or uncertain. Watch the video
brace of shakes
Instantly, quickly, or in an extremely short amount of time, as of a task or event. “Brace,” taken from the old French for the arms’ breadth from hand to hand, means twice; the phrase as a whole refers either to an old nautical term, meaning the time it takes the sail to shake twice as it takes up the wind, or else the short time it takes to shake a dice-box twice. Often used in the phrase “in a brace of shakes.” Watch the video
Box and Cox
Two people who always miss each other and thus are never together. The phrase comes from the 19th-century story of the same name, in which two men named Box and Cox rent the same room at different times of day. Watch the video
bounce off the walls
To be very active and energetic to the point of hyperactivity. Watch the video
bought the farm
Died. Watch the video
born in the purple
Born into royalty. Purple is a color traditionally associated with royalty. Watch the video
Extremely lazy. Watch the video
blow up (one's) phone
To call someone repeatedly and/or send someone a lot of text messages. Watch the video
two a penny
Very common, ordinary, or widespread. Watch the video