A psychological state or condition in which a grown person cannot or refuses to act like an adult; a stubborn and persistent immaturity found in an adult person. Watch the video
Category: Idiom of the Day
a people person
Someone who is particularly gregarious, affable, or outgoing; someone with great interpersonal communication skills. Watch the video
clutch (one's)/the pearls
To react in a scandalized or mortified manner to once-salacious but now relatively common things, events, situations, etc. Watch the video
pay dirt
Something very, particularly, or abundantly valuable or useful, especially that which has been discovered after a long or arduous search. Used especially in the phrase “hit/strike pay dirt.” Watch the video
park the bus
In football (soccer), to employ all (or nearly all) of a team’s active players in defending its own side of the pitch. Watch the video
the outside world
The people, culture, ideas, or experiences beyond an enclosed, sheltered, or remote place, situation or environment. Watch the video
outside the box
Outside of or beyond what is considered usual, traditional, or conventional. Watch the video
a spring in (one's) step
A happy, energetic, and excited mood or manner, as indicated by the carefree way one walks. Watch the video
spring fever
A feeling of often restless excitement or exuberance coinciding with the onset of warmer spring weather. Watch the video
spoiled for choice
Having an abundance of suitable or ideal options from which to choose, such that it may be difficult to make a decision. Primarily heard in US. Watch the video