A person who looks out for the welfare of others, especially to a fussy, intrusive, or overprotective degree. Watch the video
Category: Idiom of the Day
a morning person
Someone who is more active and alert in the early hours of the morning than later in the day; an early riser. Watch the video
be more trouble than it's worth
To not be important, useful, or beneficial enough to justify the effort or difficulty that something requires. Watch the video
have more than one string to (one's) bow
To have multiple viable options or alternatives available in the event that the current course of action, circumstance, opportunity, etc., does not work out. Watch the video
more sinned against than sinner
Less guilty or worthy of blame than others, especially those who have injured or laid such blame or guilt upon one. Watch the video
more haste, less speed
Acting too quickly and without due diligence, focus, and attention to detail will result in avoidable mistakes and thus require even more time to complete the task satisfactorily. (The logic of the phrase is essentially “too much haste results in less overall speed.”) Primarily heard in UK. Watch the video
mixed emotions
Positive and negative emotions that are experienced simultaneously and are often in conflict with one another. Watch the video
mint money
To earn a very large amount of money, especially by doing something very successfully. Watch the video
there is (a) method to (one's) madness
There is a specific, rational purpose in what one is doing or planning, even though it may seem crazy or absurd to another person. Watch the video
the meat of the matter
The most important, basic, or fundamental essence or element(s) of an issue, problem, or matter at hand. Watch the video