Why the Internet’s Biggest Conspiracy Theories Don’t Make Mathematical Sense

If NASA really faked the moon landing in 1969, about 411,000 people would have worked together to keep that information from the public, and the whole thing would have been exposed about four years later, according to an Oxford researcher who has … Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

“Doomsday Clock” Time to Be Adjusted to Show How Close We Are to the Apocalypse

The “Doomsday Clock” is set to be adjusted today to indicate how close the world’s leading scientists think we are to a global catastrophe. Midnight on the clock represents “doomsday.” The closer the minute hand is to midnight, the higher the chance of a … Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Ninth Planet May Exist in Solar System Beyond Pluto, Scientists Report

There might be a ninth planet in the solar system after all — and it is not Pluto. Two astronomers reported on Wednesday that they had compelling signs of something bigger and farther away — something that would definitely satisfy the current definition … Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary

Just How Many Bugs Live in Your Household? More than You Might Think!

If you’re reading this at home, you are currently surrounded by arthropods — invertebrates with exoskeletons and jointed legs. But just how many spiders, crustaceans and other creepy crawlies live in the average American home? Until now, that question … Discuss

Source: The Free Dictionary