Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong. Discuss
Category: Quote of the Day
Mary Shelley
What terrified me will terrify others; and I need only describe the specter which had haunted my midnight pillow. Discuss
Louisa May Alcott
Beth could not reason upon or explain the faith that gave her courage and patience to give up life, and cheerfully wait for death…She could not say, “I’m glad to go,” for life was very sweet for her. She could only sob out, “I try to be willing.” Discuss
Lewis Carroll
We called him Tortoise because he taught us. Discuss
George Bernard Shaw
What is the matter with the poor is poverty; what is the matter with the rich is uselessness. Discuss
John Milton
Anarchy is the sure consequence of tyranny; for no power that is not limited by laws can ever be protected by them. Discuss
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Oh sleep! it is a gentle thing,
Beloved from pole to pole. Discuss
Miguel de Cervantes
The soldier who executes what his captain orders does no less than the captain himself who gives the order. Discuss
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The mother as a social servant instead of a home servant will not lack in true mother duty. From her work, loved and honored though it is, she will return to her home life, the child life, with an eager, ceaseless pleasure, cleansed of all the fret and fraction and weariness that so mar it now. Discuss
Edith Wharton
My last page is always latent in my first; but the intervening windings of the way become clear only as I write. Discuss