Cuban Anniversary of the Beginning of the Wars of Independence

This official holiday in Cuba marks the day in 1868 when Cuba declared its autonomy from Spain. The declaration, called the Grito de Yara, began the Ten Years’ War (1868-1878), which was the first of three wars that Cuba fought against Spain for its freedom. Schools and offices in Cuba are closed on this day. Discuss

St. Denis's Day

Also known as St. Dionysius, St. Denis is the patron saint of France. According to legend, Pope Clement sent him to what is now France to establish the Church there, during the reign of Emperor Decius (249-251), but the pagans who greeted him did not treat him well. The most widely repeated legend is that they beheaded him on Martyr’s Hill—the place now known as Montmartre in Paris—but he miraculously picked up his head and carried it for two miles before expiring at the site where the Church of St. Denis was later built. Discuss

Ivy Day

October 6 is the anniversary of the death of Charles Stewart Parnell (1846-1891), the famous Irish statesman and leader of the Home Rule Party. He is a symbol of Irish pride and independence, and his name appears frequently in Irish literature, particularly the poetry of William Butler Yeats and the short story in James Joyce’s Dubliners called “Ivy Day in the Committee Room.” It is somewhat ironic that the sprig of green ivy traditionally worn on this day—chosen by Parnell himself as an emblem—is a color he apparently intensely disliked. Discuss

Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

In Assisi, Italy, the feast of St. Francis commemorates the saint’s transition to the afterlife. For two days the entire town is illuminated by oil lamps burning consecrated oil brought from a different Italian town each year. A parchment in St. Francis’s handwriting is taken to the top of the Santa Maria degli Angeli basilica and the people are blessed by the pope’s representative. In the United States, people bring their pets to church to be blessed on St. Francis’s feast day, because of his love for animals as expressed in his Canticle of Creatures. Discuss

Honduras Soldiers' Day

This celebration is held on the birthday of Francisco Morazán (1792–1842), a highly revered Honduran general and statesman. Morazán’s achievements as a military leader in various liberation struggles led the Honduran government to designate his birthday as the official date to honor the country’s soldiers. The day’s main celebration is a military parade that takes place in Tegucigalpa, Honduras’s capital city. The procession features the service members of every branch of the armed forces, along with dozens of tanks and artillery carriers. Discuss

Cyprus Independence Day

Cyprus gained independence from Great Britain on August 16, 1960. On that day, British governor Hugh Foot departed amid much ceremony, and Greek Cypriot freedom fighters landed on a plane from Athens with a heroes’ welcome. The new Cypriot president, Archbishop Makarios III (1913-1977), gave a speech inspiring Cypriots to improve their new nation. Independence Day is observed as a public holiday on October 1 each year. Discuss


The Feast of the Archangel Michael, or the Day of St. Michael and All Angels, is a traditional feast day in the Roman Catholic, Anglican Communion, and Orthodox churches. Churches dedicated to Michael can be found in Asia and throughout coastal Europe, usually in places where Michael is reputed to have saved the community from the threat of a monster or giant. The ninth-century abbey Mont St.-Michel, off the coast of Normandy, France, once held the shield said to have been worn by Michael in his fight against the dragon. Discuss

Defenders' Day

Defenders’ Day, a legal holiday in Maryland, celebrates the anniversary of the battle of North Point. The battle took place near Baltimore on September 12, 1814; two days later, the unsuccessful British attack on Baltimore’s Fort McHenry inspired Francis Scott Key to jot down the words of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” For this reason the two events are celebrated more or less in conjunction on September 12. Defenders’ Day is celebrated with a number of patriotic events, including an annual mock bombardment of the fort on the weekend nearest September 12. Discuss